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The “S.I.G.N” to stop the search!

We all want the best for ourselves, something that will fit well with us, the way we are, and something that will just bring us ease and balance out our very purpose of being. The need to find something that will suit us best and work right for us. It might be the search for a perfect home, a perfect relationship, a dream job, a perfect outfit, or anything else. But what are we looking for that never stops this search? Does the search ever stop? The answer to this lies in a quote that I read recently which went something like “You’re here because you are ready. It’s happening because you can handle it!” That wholesome feeling when we look at something and strikes us that this is all that we wanted. We might not even be searching for it, but when we see it we just know. What is it? What is it that one whole thing you feel is your own and makes you complete, what makes it you’re everything that will help you stop this search? I say look for the "S.I.G.N!"

Most Achievements are Invisible!

Every time we feel we accomplished something in life, especially on the work front of things we only then feel it’s a solid achievement that we can truly be proud of. But is it really only those achievements that are visible to the outside world and exist on papers that are true? Not all achievements can be found in our resume and not all achievements are notable. Some make their way through all their odds and not just by going through but by growing through life as they achieve them. Nailing a presentation, leading a team, or meeting a target can sound great too but what about life’s daily tasks and living them in a certain way to call that as an achievement? Here are some of those invisible achievements that make us feel proud of ourselves each day. And if no one has told you recently, remember to keep going even though most achievements might not be noticeable, you’re still acing it!

Find your fun!

Who doesn’t enjoy having a little bit of fun every now & then? But is it really a concept that one needs to have only once a while or can it be for everything he/she does? Yes, fun can be quite subjective at times, and the point of having fun differs from person to person. Each individual possesses their kind of fun, in their own unique way. For some, it’s reading, traveling, spending time with friends and family, and even working. It also doesn’t mean that if you are not doing anything of those mentioned above, you are not having fun, cuz fun is yours to be owned. So own it your way! Simple! Here are ways you can find your kind of fun or explore the many others that exist.

How to Bridge the Greatest Distance in the World?

It's said that the greatest distance one needs to travel in all walks of life is the one between the heart and the mind. Those 18 inches! Yes, that’s the one that makes it all happen. But is it really the distance or the point to bridge the gap between the two? It’s most difficult to decide whether to go with the Heart or Mind, for some it’s being more analytical, or the power of being connected to their feelings firmly, also known as a gut instinct. But most importantly, this is never taken from one perspective; there are many dimensions to this. Starting with the fact that it is the art of managing, and balancing while living and growing through it, it’s that which binds the two, the gap that so effortlessly gets filled. Here are some thoughtful insights on how to explore the distance between the heart and the mind.

Simple ways to make your space cozy!

With the monsoons here, and winter seasons almost nearing us, the need to make our space feel warm, cozy, and comfortable seems even more necessary now more than ever. From looking up mood boards on Pinterest and setting up themes season-wise, we all love the fact of changing our space/ room through the months of the year. We all love an aesthetic and cozy space, preferably within a budget! So here are a few budget-friendly things you can simply do to make your space cozy.

Into a world of Self-Healing!

The concept of zoning into a world of healing is a different state of mind, it's getting into a world of its own, a new-age discovery, a process of recovering the body & mind – with the notion to embrace it and get past it gracefully. The true value of self-healing lies in its ability to be tailored to the unique experience or thoughts or feelings that interfere with daily activities generally from psychological disturbances, trauma, etc. It’s the process of removing that weight on your shoulders of those thoughts that come and across your mind which steals away those tiny moments of peace and happiness.  Getting deeper into a world of healing, here are its power and ways to get past this phase with ease. Discover you, discover the power of self-healing!