
Showing posts from March, 2023

The “S.I.G.N” to stop the search!

We all want the best for ourselves, something that will fit well with us, the way we are, and something that will just bring us ease and balance out our very purpose of being. The need to find something that will suit us best and work right for us. It might be the search for a perfect home, a perfect relationship, a dream job, a perfect outfit, or anything else. But what are we looking for that never stops this search? Does the search ever stop? The answer to this lies in a quote that I read recently which went something like “You’re here because you are ready. It’s happening because you can handle it!” That wholesome feeling when we look at something and strikes us that this is all that we wanted. We might not even be searching for it, but when we see it we just know. What is it? What is it that one whole thing you feel is your own and makes you complete, what makes it you’re everything that will help you stop this search? I say look for the "S.I.G.N!"