
Showing posts from July, 2021

When its more than just Music!

  Music has always played a very huge part in my life. It has helped me in more than one ways, in terms of productivity, finding the motivation to work, getting inspired, relaxing or even while doing chores. Music seems to have always been a constant companion in times of happiness, joy, sadness & destress. The role has been a one of a kid & this one-in-all therapy is my mantra to just keep going. Here are some of the many benefits music has in my life & the different roles it plays daily.

Buildings that tell a Story!

Storytelling is an art and so is the art to represent it in buildings. Architecture is an ever-present form of visual storytelling. The built environment has the ability to capture the history of a place and tell that story through space. Architecture forms a visual, spatial link between the past, present, and future, becoming a point in the timeline of a place and culture. Here are some buildings that have a story to tell, hears them out!

Why choose Progress over Perfection?

“Perfection is the enemy of progress.” - Winston Churchill. If you developing a skill or working on something that really matters to you, what do you seek for – a step to get closer towards its completion – i.e progress or the desire for perfection? Doing a little each day will help you create the masterpiece you always wanted eventually, but what goes into is the consistency to keep doing it! Masterpieces take time and through perseverance & dedication you can get it through! Here are some very interesting ways why you should strive for progress over perfection!

Top Tips to Improve your Planning Skills.

“If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail!”- Benjamin Franklin. Planning increases the efficiency of getting work done with a proper direction & method. It ensures that the goals or objectives are clearly stated & achieved accordingly. At times when we say, “We can figure it all out!” We need to begin with proper planning first!  Know that “Success is a series of Small wins”, and planning is its first step! Keep planning & doing what you need to do! No matter how hard it might seem - any effort is a good effort!  Here are 6 top tips to become better at planning & improve this skill!

The role of Architecture in the Pandemic World.

“An idea is salvation by imagination.” – Frank Lloyd Wright.   The pandemic has almost changed entirely how we live & use our spaces. Including homes, workspaces, or converting existing architecture into hybrid spaces for multiple uses. Especially in Architecture, the role has a taken up a vast turn in terms of certain valid considerations to be taken up while designing these spaces. As an Architect myself, and seeing the spaces around me transform over the past couple of months, is worth something to be highlighted upon. Here is how Architecture plays a vital role in the planning & design aspect of the Pandemic world.

How to reduce distractions online?

If you are professional or student who finds it’s hard to stay focused on your work / study while having major digital distractions around you, then this one is for you! Ways to cut down your usage on phone or online seem like an almost impossible escape. With the new normal making it necessary to access almost everything online, the distractions multiple to even a larger extent, thus resulting in less productivity, poor quality of work & most of the time even procrastination.  " Stop getting distracted by things that have nothing to do with your goals".   Here are 5 effective ways to reduce distractions online and that will help you get work done!

6 Ways to Make Yourself a Priority!

Our efforts towards being happy and mindful comes out of the way we position ourselves in our own lives. But understanding Where do we actually stand? Always promising to put yourself first, is not that easy as it sounds, but it is, what it is! It is highly necessary to prioritize yourself and doing so will keep you in a happy place in life & also in a better mood most of the time. Here are 6 effective ways to actually make yourself a priority.