
Showing posts from September, 2021

Monthly Goals to improve your life.

Coming towards the end of the month, it's time to press that reset button & get back stronger! Every day, every week, or even every month is still a new chance for you to get a new attitude, reinvent yourself and also do better at anything you are doing. It’s a chance to improve your life as a whole.  Tracking your monthly progress is quite helpful in terms of achieving your main goals, but what about doing well enough for that particular month? It’s all about setting monthly goals to help you with that progress and eventually make it even better to go about with your actions. Here are some monthly goals that will surely help you to improve your life!

6 Months 6 Interests – My Journey from Jan-June ‘21

Just like any of you, I too began the year with something promising to look forward to. Ready to take on the year 2021 with a new positive attitude and motivation, not knowing what would I be facing or getting into. But little did I know, by halfway of 2021, not just one interest or one role developed, I attained over 6 new interests/activities in just 6 months from January to June of 2021. So here is my journey of acquiring 6 new interests in 6 months!

How Color Affects Architecture?

“Color is one of the oldest architectural design elements – colorless architecture does not exist.” - Steffanie Wettstein. We all love different concepts of colors & their impacts on our lives. Colors can make us feel happy or sad, and they can make us feel hungry or relaxed. But what role does color play in Architecture? Being more than just a finishing element in the design, there is a lot more that gets connected to the essence of a space, than looks of an interior design or perception of an exterior façade. Here are some interesting facts on how does color actually affects Architecture!

Tips for Efficient Online Learning.

With the normalization of online learning, almost every institution and all fields of students are using this method for the past year in their education system. Many software and apps have been used for online learning, but many find it still hard to understand this or approach it the right way. Here are 6 essential tips for efficient online learning.

How to make the rest of 2021 count?

"Don't count the days make the days count." - Muhammad Ali. We all take up many New Year resolutions, some based on personal development, fitness, finances, or some for self-care, usually we start off pretty well but can’t get the momentum going entirely. This could be due to lack of motivation, self-control, or some other reasons.  If you have managed to keep it going, very well but for some reason if you have stopped making the most of your year, now is the time, with almost 4 months remaining just let’s make it matter, and try everything we can to get back on track. Here are some ways where you can make the rest of 2021 count.

How to Change your Mindset?

“To change your life, you must change your mindset.”- Brad Turnbull. Instead of pushing away something, take a step towards it and just try it and then see the difference! Conquering change, having fear of failure, and having self-doubts to conquer challenges are all one step away to make it look like opportunities, growth, and success, it all lies in your mindset. If prosperity and happiness are all that you want, take a look at these amazing methods to start adopting a new mindset.

Exploring the Importance of Geometry in Architecture.

Architects use geometry to study and divide space as well as draft detailed building plans. Architectural geometry is an area of research that combines applied geometry and architecture, which looks at the design, analysis, and manufacturing processes. Designers, Builders, and engineers rely on geometric principles to create structures safely. Designers apply geometry to make the aesthetically pleasing spaces Architects also use geometry by the composition of certain shapes to form their building’s skeleton & structure. Sharing the importance of Geometry in Architecture, here are 4 interesting facts emphasizing its importance.

How to Review your life?

"It is in your power to review your life, to look at things you saw before, but from another point of view." - Soren Kierkegaard. With the world taking a huge shift in things, it got many of us thinking and starting to question matters related to our life and what we actually consider and don’t. Reviewing our life in ways to assess the status of our well-being, current tasks, future goals or relationships, and desires is one of the best habits to be cultivated by all means.  If you’re beginning to question yourself like, “why am I afraid of this? why does this make me sad? Or why haven’t I achieved what I wanted?” then it’s time for you to reevaluate your life! Here are 5 thought-provoking ways you can start to review your life!