The 6D's of Self-Care!


The 6D’s to Self-care!

Life can get hectic. Practicing self-care isn’t always easy. Most of us are busy, whether it's home or at work, or are too consumed with technology to make time for ourselves. How do you show yourself love with enough care? The answer to it is SELF-CARE! Self-care is self-love!
“Me-time” is usually last on the agenda. But make sure you slow down to take care of your mind, body & soul. So now when it’s clear why Self-care really matters, now let’s discover self-care with answers that can help you stay healthy, happy, and resilient. 

The key to it are these 6 Dimensions to self-care. 

1. Physical Self-Care

Taking care of our bodies is a large component of self-care. The ways of physical self-care can vary to all. Some ideas: to get started with some basic stretches, Breathe in-out, Stay active, a short walk, Eat healthy, Yoga, etc. It doesn’t really mean vigorous workouts or exercise routines. The key to it is you should enjoy & not feel it like an obligation. Don't forget to sleep enough & drink lots of water! 

2. Emotional Self-Care

Recall when people would say, “You are just physically present here but mentally absent”, that’s when you are not in tune with your emotions. Becoming more mindful of your thoughts & finding ways to work with them is the right way, rather than holding it inside. 

Some ideas: Share your thoughts with someone who could understand you, Give and receive love, kindness, and support, be creative by expressing those emotions in the form of writing, painting, or even Journaling (Highly Recommended). 

3. Spiritual Self-Care

Nourish your soul, with this dimension! It doesn’t necessarily have to relate to religion, although for most of you it is certainly. This can change your way of connecting with the essence of life. When you practice Spiritual self-care, you are striving for inner peace. Nothing can be more mindful by getting closer to God as you seek to find purpose & meaning in life. 

Some ideas: Prayer, Meditation, and even spend time in nature. 

4. Intellectual Self-Care

No matter what your field of interest or profession is, Challenge the mind! Grow & learn to develop your wisdom. Fuel your brain with content it’ll adore & enjoy. 

Some ideas: Whether it’s reading a book, learning a new skill, language, or any topic that you are interested in. Just know about it a bit more, bit by bit! Explore the possibilities

5. Social Self-Care

This dimension of self-care would be different for introverts and extroverts – because our levels of comfort in social situations differ. We generally by nature itself are social beings, staying connected is important to us. 

So Some ideas would be: Hang out with friends, Have a conversation with an old friend, meaning who you haven’t contacted in a while. You might be surprised to know you might have actually made their day by that one call or meet-up. 

6. Sensory Self-Care

Don’t you just love it when you hear your favorite song & smell your mom’s amazing dishes, that’s sensory self-care. Our emotions and senses are tightly intertwined. If something looks or sounds or smells or tastes or feels nice, then we feel calm or happy. It’s an effective way of bringing your mind to the present moment and helps you lower your stress levels. 

Some ideas: Listen to soothing music, burning your favorite scented candles, or something as simple as walking barefoot on grass. 

Personally, as an Architect and being part of one of the most hectic professions, there is hardly any time for myself, but in the past couple of months, the importance of all these 6D’s of Self-care have bought an immense change into my life & shown me the true value of taking proper care of my body, mind & soul. Experiencing each one of these Dimensions has been a true pleasure so ask yourself, 
“If I don’t give time to myself first, who else would I give it to?" 

So Being Awsomatic, indulge in Self-care, not just on weekends but make it a part of your New year’s resolution as a necessity & Be good to yourself! Because self-care is self-love! 

Comment down below which of the above D’s of Self-care is your personal favorite!

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