The 5 Best of 2020 !

With the title, I am sure all of you must be wondering "The 5 Best of 2020?" Sumairah c'mon! Why even talk about 2020 and what makes you say that there is anything "Best" about it ? & guess what

"There is!" Not just one or two, but 5 major things that in my experience which are truly the BEST of 2020. So just let’s get right into it! With the 5 best things you all have been a part of !

1.  We are One ! 

By not spoiling your vibe in 2021, first let’s address the elephant in the room – COVID 19! Remember the time when “Over-night” the world was planning to shut down and the “Earth was going to close!"

It was times like those, where one had to support another, comfort them with positivity for better days to come, while making it the first best part of 2020, meaning - it was those moments that united all, where all became one! Wasn’t that something beautiful you got to experience!

2.  The joyful catch ups!

The numerous happy zoom calls, messages, and WhatsApp group video calls helped us catch up with our dear ones. Despite the distances and problems we all were facing and trying to be there for each other. Especially mentioning spending family time & fun movie nights was all becoming a part of that routine.

3. “Fall 7 times, stand up 8” 


Putting ourselves back again ! No matter how crucial the headlines were making, we were just ready to face the situation bravely, as it was our only key of survival. And to a very large extent we are succeeding in it! Isn’t that one of the best parts also, to find your strengths & peace amongst the chaos ?

Give a tap on your shoulder for it, You stood up YET AGAIN !

4. Cricket fans, you’ll adore this! 

Speaking of events, we still had IPL this year, all you cricket fans out there, I hear your cheer after this point! As it definitely kept us excited for weeks having something to look forward each day. For those who aren’t fans of cricket, I am sure you enjoyed other activities during that time too!                    


Last but not the least, all that free time! For many of us who always wanted that extra time; To peruse that one hobby, or Watch that one movie or series which had been pushed into the “watch-later” list, or Just to take some time off, relax from all those busy schedules from professional & personal life!

This gave us that time, the time which we never knew we needed! It’s certainly my personal favorite of 2020, i.e. the time got in 2020.
Not to forget, with God’s grace also completed my online exams and graduated my Master’s degree in October as a 3rd University rank Holder and created my website KINGS design. So those 2 would be a bit more special events in 2020 for me, indeed! 

Hence Being AWSOMATIC and take-in the best of 2020 from the above points and look on the brighter side of it. Bye 2020 & Hello 2021! 

Which were your best events of 2020 ? Comment down below!

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  1. Thats Really great.
    You have explained it very well.
    Great and good motivation for everyone πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

  2. So much of motivation and positive vibes <3

  3. That's really positive vibes. Really a great optimistic thinking & the way to look at 2020. πŸ‘

  4. A good read for those who really need some positive vibes πŸ˜ƒ

  5. It made to think the positive side of 2020 !! 😍


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