The 5 Fun-Facts of a Superpower!


Architecture, The superpower that I am referring to all of you here is my beloved profession. Architecture is involved in almost all aspects of our life, far more than just art & engineering, it’s reshaping our environment by its functionality & aesthetics. When something like this is involved in all aspects of life, isn't that a superpower in itself?

If you likely know someone who is an architect in your family, a friend, or even me! and for whatever you know about us, one thing is certain, we are not just unique professionals, but might serve as a reminder of how lucky you are to be with somebody with the special talents & those have been seen & looked upon as,  

Study Shows Architecture Students Work "the Hardest" and the famous Romanian sculptor, Constantin Brancusi said Architects “Create like a god; command like a king; work like a slave.” 

Most Architects notice every detail, the majority of them are night-owls, they always have an infinite supply of stationery, they are natural photographers & whatnot?! They all have superpowers to do all of this & know it all. Don't believe me, Let me give you some fun-facts & insights into architects, architecture & their industry, and what are our superpowers!?

1. The Working Dead!

EAT. SLEEP. ARCHITECTURE. Yes, we Architects transform into nocturnal creatures over the course of our education. Staying up late nights, Sipping on coffee, sugary sweets, and energy drinks help's us to focus & continue with our vigorous schedules. 

Our sleeping pattern has been totally neglected throughout the course or later in practice, during our project, and by the end, we are wide-eyed in the middle of the night, thriving in the early hours and are rarely seen during the day. Our routines don't allow us to have long hours of sleep, wherein the clock has only a certain slot allotted, i.e something like this,

2. What we design, but where we design?

In our Undergraduate course, which not to forget are 5 long years, we do not just learn about architecture specifically but all the tiniest of details that might be connected with the profession. So from designing spaces, buildings, interiors to furniture or everything else you see around, but where do we design these? In our not so clearly set-up workspace which is highly decluttered at times filled with reference sheets, papers, documents & basically just our entire living in that one place! For instance, 

3. Anything, but the project!

Our first priority is our project & nothing else. Period. Not sleep, food, social life, or anything else. We would at most times sacrifice everything that comes our way. It's the project first & then everything else later & to get that done on time with all the deadlines in consideration we tell our selves that even,

No one knows why we are in our studio for long hours, where we are trying to bring out the best output possible, which in any case we never end up being satisfied with. But to human eyes, our work appears complete. Yet there we sit on our computers sometimes furiously rendering and photoshopping until we achieve that level of perfection we require. 
Traveling with a model that took hours completing & putting that on a separate seat is something we prefer doing rather than considering our comfort first since it has taken way more efforts to get that done so yes, it is, 

4. Patience & Panic Level 100!

We master patience altogether on a whole different level. The panic scenes are not so the good parts where we would work for days on a file & it would disappear into thin air! After spending years and years of waiting for 3D renders to complete, maintaining composure standing beside a plotter, or even panicking after a last-minute file crash, so it is no surprise,

5. Multi-taskers for life!

The re-do of sheets, the submission deadlines & assignments for various subjects to get done simultaneously, Gosh! Staying motivated & turning that into being productive while getting all the drawings done is one art we excel at any given time. With Architecture, we get involved in a lot of other fields too, becoming Software experts, Photographers, get into real-estate, digital designing, Artistry, and much more. Our profession makes us a lot more than we could imagine & we handle it all.
So to all my fellow architects out there or to the soon to be architects, remember this quote from the very famous architect Zaha Hadid, “If you want an easy life, don’t be an architect” which means be ready to keep thriving, striving & hustling all the way. In your life as an Architect be ready to enjoy the fantastic journey ahead, whether it's those sleepless nights working, or completing your drawings. Always come across all your obstacles gracefully to achieve your goal by becoming the desired Architect you want to be and so,

Personally, I acknowledge all of the above-mentioned facts & enjoy everything about it, after all, it's made me the person that I am today. Through the process, a lot was sacrificed but I have gained a lot more than what I have lost & hence I do not regret it one bit. I am an Architect (PORTFOLIO) and

I know now, I was born to be fortunate enough to have this superpower within me. I never accepted less than the best & Never gave up to reach my fullest potential in order to achieve this superpower. 

So Being AWSOMATIC! Let's hope this could help you to understand architects now in a better way & you could help them in their journey in any way possible because architecture is everywhere & What’s life without knowing about a superpower like this, anyway?

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