A Motto for Life’s each situation

In life, there comes a time when we require a bit of enlightenment amongst the various scenarios we face day-to-day. Whether the words of wisdom come from your family, or a dear friend, or through an inspirational quote, or from yourself! Remembering those words & believing in a motto or mantra that you live by is the best thing you could do for self-affirmation

Create your own personal motto, with these 4 common situations in life. Know which are the mottos that you can live by.

1. For new beginnings & Risks

We live knowing, nothing is certain. But when we venture into something new, we still think, “Is this the right thing to do ?” or “What if I fail at it ?” Always know that no outcome is ever 100% certain but to advance in your life, that is exactly what is needed. To take that risk! 


He who risks and fails is better than he who decides to do nothing. You might be one chance away from reaching your dream position. "That move that you are scared to take, might just be the one! - Nichola Stephenson"

2. For Obstacles & Problems

Life is not always a bed of roses. There are those deep downfalls so that there can be those glorious ups. Living through those experiences with a positive fighting attitude makes you who you really are. There is always a solution to every problem & the only way forward is by not worrying about it but by just moving ahead thinking of a solution as,


3. For Self-doubt & Success

When you work towards your goal, the only thing stopping you from achieving it is actually only you! Your mind or attitude for that matter. We allow ourselves to have the benefit of doubt. If you know you can do something, you simply can! It doesn't matter what people say about your capabilities, you know your strengths. But success comes to those who value it & are ready to work for it & by work for it I mean, hard!! Working very hard! So remove your self-doubt with,  


You want to be able to do great things, first train your mind into thinking of being great. Great to think about it, great to attempt to do it & work with full satisfaction to make great things happen! & prove it to the world by conveying it to them with your actions, 


4. For Sorrow & despair

The hardest times in life sometimes could be when we feel our lowest. Times when we are filled with sadness or in an unpleasant state of despair or a loss for anything in general. In times like those, life's testing us! 

Our ability to overcome that phase & bounce back stronger is what we must focus on always. When you ever feel the sorrow or despair in life, remember rising victorious out of all your triumphs, like a phoenix from the fire is what you must do as, 


The strength you develop during the despair & hard times turn out priceless. For it represents your extremely impressive greatness by causing amazement or wonder in your own life.

Bonus Point: For Inspiration & Positivity my personal MOTTO in recent times has been this motto of the company “OnePlus” which I am sure most of you will be aware of it, as Robert Downey Jr, says it in the advertisement too. This motto really drives the motivation in me to do more & hope it does the same for you all too, the MOTTO is,

Discipline creates greatness,
It’s a simple concept.
You have to have clarity, focus, vision.
Fluid, seamless motion.
To not fight force with force is the challenge.
Never give up. Never accept less than the best.
OnePlus. Never Settle.”

So Being AWSOMATIC! discover your motto for life & develop yourself by adapting to these above-mentioned situations in life with their respective Mottos & remember Never Settle!

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