A Vision to Design your Life !

You are living, fine that's great! but are you clear or aware of the life you have designed for yourself? The craft of being alive is by designing your life. Life is what you make of it. Over a period of time, the essence of designing lives have been guided on many platforms, for instance, Forbes gives 5 Steps To Help You Design Your Life Or a book by Bill Burnett and Dave on “DesigningYour Life” But where does it all start & end with? 

Having a VISION is key. Even if your Vision impacted you long ago, or recently, or even if your vision says,

To have the vision to design your life is all you need and if don’t have one yet, what are such blogs meant for? Let’s see how can you use 3M's or 3 powerful tools that help you design your life for the better, through your Vision.

1. Mindset

Everything starts with this, your Mindset! Nothing can be more powerful in your life than your own mind. With the right mindset, you are certain of your actions & take full responsibility for the life you are creating for yourself. Being aware of the possibilities of your goals in life, gives direction to the desired destinations & with your mind in the right place - success will eventually come from those actions.

If you’re struggling with any part of life, just remember to be firm in your thoughts. As the power to constrain the negativities & looking at the positives is all you need to focus on. With determination & dedication to make a better life for yourself, first, make up your mind that “That’s all I need!” start by saying “Yes! I need a better life” - take the courage to do it even now & make this decision for a happier future!

2. Mission

That was about the importance of the mind. Now let’s know about our hearts. As Carl Jung says “Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakens!” Your personal mission defines your purpose in order to design a better life. Set yourself, 

If there is something we are meant to accomplish in life, having a decent framed mission behind it will help us achieve that, with all its value. As an individual you have been sent with a mission into this life of yours, for instance; whether it’s any contribution for your community or being part of a noble cause, or as simple as spreading kindness & gratitude. Know your mission to have your vision right!

3. Motivation

The need to keep a thought within you at all times & in every field of life is that you will need to become better. Feel better, do better & achieve better at any cost. Do everything you can to make your life’s design get better. NEVER SETTLE! Reaching your full potential for personal excellence is by being motivated and when you don’t feel like it, look at your mission & remind yourself how badly you really need that for your life! 

Do what you can to keep the spirit going, whether it’s getting motivational talks from the people in your realm or watching inspiring stories of achievers, just stay Motivated! Tell yourself that your actions need a probable outcome from a great cause. You want it, Get it!!! Use all your mental strength & know the meaning & value of your precious life. Keep pushing yourself to live your vision, so just;

“The greater the struggle the more glorious the triumph."- Nick Vujicic. Your journey is far important than its destination. The focus on the process rather than the outcome will allow you to gain something from every eventuality, good or bad. Believe in yourself and have faith. Have the will to fight it all at the end of the road. There is always light at the end of the tunnel.

With these 3M's you can move forward with your vision through a proper Mindset, determined Mission & staying Motivated with anything you want out of your life is the joy you will receive in your path towards your destination. 

Only you can “Design your life”. The price you will be paying for this would just be being bold in your action, decisions & responsibilities. Be deliberate with your time & being grateful is always necessary for a better life. Stay happy with the mind that's set right & with the heart that knows the way. 

So Being AWSOMATIC! At the end of it, what you want & how you chose to design your life could pre-determine your future so know that "Your Attitude + Your choices = Your Life."

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