Boost your Productivity daily !

Daily activities in life could determine our daily growth. And with every activity, we expect a contribution towards that growth, that helps us be productive daily. Whether it’s a contribution towards your goal in doing certain work for your professional or personal well-being.

Most of you tend to start with a notion to stay productive every day but end up saying,

Let’s find a solution & look into simple ways that help you boost your productivity & stay focused on activities that could help you contribute to your daily growth.

1. Keep your Life Organized

Being systematic can be a lifesaver! It can help you stay organized in a lot of things. Be it following a hobby, fitness, or work. By planning out your schedules at the beginning of your day, preparing a To-Do-List or just writing down all your tasks for the day would help you stay productive. No matter what’s the order, just put down the things you have in mind to get done Make your list!

Placing this list or schedule in front of your workspace could be much preferable, as it can help you constantly be aware of the things on your list. 

Knowing which task can be done when, could be another bonus, meaning by writing down the timings near those particular tasks which you want to perform at that time. You want to get things done, Get an early start & Plan ahead! & have confidence in it by saying, 

2. Everything has a place

Even before you get started with those tasks, first remember to develop the habit to begin your productive time with a clean environment. Make easy-to-access storage spaces for things you use all the time and don’t let your storage spaces get cluttered.

For example: A holder for all your stationery, a drawer to keep all your electronics, or a box for all your accessories or as simple as a tray/holder for all beauty products, so you could,

Meanwhile, arrange prior to the things, you will require before getting started. For instance, if you need to make some important calls or transfer some files that day – first you could keep your laptop, charger, earphone, the list of names & nos, pen drive, or whatever is required for your tasks to go on smoothly. Keep it near you first hand; don’t let the flow of your productivity break due to these miscellaneous things.  

I can’t insist enough on this point to develop this habit and make it a part of your routine – read in Make the "M.O.S.T" of every day so that you,

3. Declutter Regularly

Declutter your physical, mental & even digital space. Declutter your desk, inbox, and task manager. Then declutter your room, workspace, or any place where you tend to be productive the most & spend most of your day at. 

You want to achieve your goals on that list with a cleared out space. With a vibrant ambiance first, your mind is more cleared out in focusing on the tasks assigned. You could enhance that ambiance by adding plants, bringing in some natural light, or just by keeping the aroma of the place pleasing. 

With this, you’ll be creating a productive work set up for yourself, which would make you go & be there with pleasure & get your work done easily. There is no fun in working in a cluttered place, instead, make it

4. Track your Progress

Knowing how well, you're progressing is what will eventually make you productive as a whole. To do so, try to keep track of your progress. Whether it’s taking down those points on your phone in the Notes app, or a basic notebook, or even a planner where you write down the tasks. If you are a “techie” by nature, use the technology as per your convenience through various apps & Habit trackers like Outlook, OneNote, or Notion.

Even a pen and pad for this process could be enough. Sometimes the simplest method is the most effective. Track everything, whether it’s paying bills, coordinating projects, grocery shopping, etc. Take 10 minutes at the end of each day to arrange your task list for the next day as part of your end of the workday routine.

So Being AWSOMATIC! make the most of your time & apply these simple ways in order to stay more productive each day & easily contribute to your daily growth.

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