How life’s events shape us?

Experiencing significant events in our life determines the various ways we get shaped. Many scholars believe our experiences do shape who we are and that memories of those experiences are equally as important. The experiences we are having today were likely shaped by the past events that we have been through. Let’s have a look at the 4 major experiences that eventually shape us in our life.

1. The “Ups”

Times when we feel our best & happiest are the moments that make us joyful & cheerful. As Dalai Lama once said, “The purpose of our lives is to be happy.” The moments of success, victories, achievements, and honor are the “Ups” that are incredibly satisfying that make you say,

That feeling to be on cloud nine and in bliss shows you a sign of how appreciable you should be with life. The reason behind knowing you accomplished something in life with pride and purpose makes us realize we have meaning in this world of ours. Shaping us to get better and aim higher in life. Showing us we are capable of doing anything and deserve to be happy. Read this beautiful quote,


2. The “Downs”

Speaking of ups, we can’t ignore the obvious presence of those downs too. Those deep downfalls! Teaching us to perceive the goodness waiting for us instead of holding on to those times in our lows. Lows, that everyone face at different times of their lives!  The failures, traumas, disappointments & toxic thoughts, and times when you wonder

These times only come into your life, to show you that there are even better things waiting to happen with you. That’s the right type of fuel to give your soul. Don't be so hard on yourself. So just avoid the self-blame & unwanted fear. Recognizing that all those thoughts don’t deserve to bring you down. It’s actually not worth it for you to worry about that and disturb the peace of your present. 

Remember, the darkness that comes into your life, comes only to show you that there is a lightness that would appear someday. These times should just be considered as tough passing clouds that come for the good & leave at their time. As a German philosopher first stated, 

3. The “Newness”

Entering college, getting a job, or doing something new for the first time – all that newness that overwhelms us and creates moments to remember forever. The excitement & enthusiasm it brings shows we are fortunate to even be able to be blessed with such an experience. A lot comes along with this newness, brings the hype & butterflies like,

It increases our outlook on aspects relating to those experiences and brings in fresh vibes of prosperity. It raises desires to be full-filled with great aspirations for wishing more of such new events to experience in the future. When we do anything new in life, we tend to perceive it in a certain way, but actually being ready for anything that comes your way during those times is the best thing you can do for yourself.  

4. Special events & memories

Those fun-filled birthdays, surprises, gatherings, or trips you had with your loved ones or circle of people displays worth of affection, care, and together-ness. Everything you experience with these special memories holds a special place in your heart. These precious moments shape us in a way that simply makes us feel special. You must know what it feels like,

For Instance, a specific trip with friends that was magical and stayed in your memory as the time you realized how much you enjoyed the idea of traveling to new places and being with people who you love. Past experiences influence our present in many ways. All these moments determine, the way we think, interact, act and take decisions with people whom we are close to.

Bonus point

The reactions you give to these events is in your hand, to make it a good or bad moment. It’s the way in which you take up the experience you faced. An unimportant experience may simply change how you feel one day which can cause a chain reaction of how you act a certain day, and how you act that day could affect your life as a whole. Reacting to it wisely & moving on with life is the key, so just keep going!

Being AWSOMATIC! and know these events tend to shape us to adapt and out-grow that bubble of our own expectations and use our strengths to move on towards positivity.  Remember in every life’s event, there is something good in it, even though we can’t see it, it’s there! Memories, good or bad, and just cherish it life-long and see only the good out of it, after all, it’s made us who we really are!

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