5 Steps to set GOALS

Admiration comes when you get to see people who live by the “keep going” spirit and those who stay ambitious. Achieving your goals and setting measures to do so is never easy as it seems. With discipline and the golden steps in maintaining the aim is where a goal is truly acquired. There is a method for everything, in terms of setting or achieving your goal. Setting your goal right first itself means half the battle is won. Let’s see the 5 steps involved in setting a goal.

1. Devote

Stay committed to your goal. Whether it’s the decision, the intend of your thought - the affirmation of the commitment in your head is the only thing at first you need to start with your mission. Stand strong with its motive and way forward.

Even if your aim is not believable or seems impossible to others, it doesn’t matter. Only you need to keep the faith and go on with it! Aim higher and set the goals in complete devotion in a way that motivates you to keep higher ones one after the other and don't be

2. Recognize

Know where you’re heading to! Understand the path you are choosing and stay clear about it. Recognize the goal’s impact on you and everything that needs to be done along the process of you achieving it rightfully.

Understand the Sacrificing and self-control you will be making in this process. No one should let you affect the path of where you’re heading neither been harmed about, it’s only about you here. What you require and recognize of your goals, must be achieved!

3. Create S.M.A.R.T. goals

The fun in achieving could come to you only when you are aware of its goodness. This is why you must try creating S.M.A.R.T goals i.e. goals that are Smart, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Timely. This way of setting goals has always been proven out successful for achievers.

S for specific/smart. A goal should be linked to one activity, thought, or idea. M for measurable. A goal should be something you can track and measure progress toward. A for actionable. There should be clear tasks or actions you can take to make progress toward a goal. R for realistic and lastly T for timely.

S.M.A.R.T goals help you stick to your actual sub-task or sub-goals and keep you stay aligned with them at all times. With this method, you now could have an anchor on which to base all of your focus and decision-making.

4. Keep track & Schedule

This step stands in between you achieving or not achieving it. The step that decides while setting the goal, will it work or not? Your Time-frame! This is why it’s part of the S.M.A.R.T – where T meaning Time! Stick to the schedules that you had planned. Always be cautious of using the allotted time for the specified goal. 

Keeping track of the process will only help you achieve your goals and set them right. Stay accountable for your goals and make sure you must have a time-frame to set and achieve them respectively. Because time is ticking folks, 

5. Estimate & Assess

Once the major part of choosing the goal, setting, devoting it – assessing its probability is essential too. If the method is thought about, doesn’t mean it will go as planned always. So estimate & assess the possible outcomes and interruptions that might occur in your journey but do it prior!

Estimate what could work out and what would only stand as a second chance of it not happening. Keep options and backups open for opting when things don’t go your way.

Being AWSOMATIC! Keep goals that are only under your control and don't overdo something which you won't be able to handle later. Understand how your mind and body work - listen to it and follow it! Follow these steps to set Goals and get ready to be an achiever!

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