The “D.O.S.E” of Happiness

Who wants to be happy? Everyone! Its, obvious! As happiness comes in small and big things - but the need to find a happy place within yourself first is a must and only then in anything else or in external factors. What matters here, is the internal functioning. So how does that happen? How do you get happy? The answer lies in the Brain Chemicals, or commonly known as the “Happy” chemicals.

4 chemicals that contribute to and affect our happiness at all times. Here are simple ways to increase your feel-good hormones with the “D.O.S.E” - Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin, and Endorphins.

1. Dopamine

Dopamine is a big part of what causes happiness. When you get rewarded, succeed at anything; accomplish your goals or task, that’s when you get delighted and a pleasurable hit of dopamine in your brain that tells you you’ve done a good job. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter often referred to as the “chemical of reward.” Dopamine is associated with pleasurable sensations, along with learning, memory, and more. If you are someone who finds it hard and says

By being kind meaning doing acts of kindness, volunteering is when you also receive a natural dose of dopamine providing other long-term health benefits. Science also proves it only takes thoughts of self-love or kindness to bring on the dopamine high. But the best way to keep self-love and dopamine levels high is to get a good night's sleep, so remember to 

2. Oxytocin

Oxytocin is primarily associated with our bonds and relationship with family, friends, and loved ones. It can be even from a warm hug, a loving touch, and close relationships. This hormone provides a lot of comforts within, by stimulating dopamine and serotonin while reducing anxiety.

To get your required amount of oxytocin gives someone a hug or love cuddle. Like the love, we show our pets. Oxytocin is the neurochemical that has allowed us to become better at our social interaction and connections. To improve your bonds, stay delighted with your people because that’s when this chemical gets released, bringing you closer to a happier vibe. Maintain a bond with people, not 

3. Serotonin

Watching sunrise, sunset, enjoying nature, soothing activities with a calm behavior helps you increase serotonin levels naturally. Meditating, having your favorite dishes, trying out new foods, etc this chemical tricks the brain immediately and regulates it quickly. Exercise and happy thoughts also stimulate the production of this chemical.

When you grumble if you’re hungry, become cranky you’ve got serotonin to blame. As it quickly fluctuates between emotions that exist in the gut, and is governed by your state of hunger. So have a healthy diet, maintain timings between meals and 

4. Endorphins

After a good session of workout, that satisfaction is what creates endorphins and raises it. Endorphins are opioid neuropeptides, which means they are produced by the central nervous system to help us deal with physical pain.

When we feel certain headaches or the one non-painful way to induce endorphins is exercise. Endorphins are released after both aerobic and anaerobic exercise. A short session of as little as 20-30 minutes of walking on a treadmill for 10 days in a row is sufficient to produce a significant reduction in depression and helping you maintain your endorphins level. Remember to be careful on the treadmill! 

Bonus Point:

Do what makes you happy! One life-hack that immediately boosts anyone’s happiness is chocolate! Having chocolate helps you to trigger those chemicals many times. Like, allow yourself to indulge in dark chocolate especially.

The caffeine in dark chocolate blocks adenosine, a substance in the brain that increases sleepiness. Dark chocolate is also rich in antioxidants, so it might provide similar mood-boosting effects to that of blueberries. 

Being AWSOMATIC! In our lives, we all look forward to only one thing always – to be happy! There are many factors, habits, people, and manners that determine anyone’s happiness. Self-content, good news, prosperous work-life, sustaining relationships or even any of the small things – One’s happiness can rely on anything. But happiness majorly first should develop from within & with these ways of maintaining your “D.O.S.E” – You are all set to open the gateway to your happiness! 

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