
Showing posts from May, 2021

How to Prepare like a Winner?

The age-old saying “Winners don't do different things, they do things differently” is the essence of this blog’s topic. Yes winners do things differently, they prepare & they prepare like how a winner would! By doing more valuable tasks, instead of doing less valuable tasks efficiently or smartly, but they also execute them differently. They improvise and rediscover things in an innovative way.   Before even starting your task, knowing you will succeed is faith, and what will let you achieve that is proper preparation! Here are some tips on how to get prepared like a winner!

The Secret to your Style - “Accessorize”

Each individual possesses their own unique style. Whether it’s the way you carry yourself with an outfit, personality, or accessories! Yes, the reality of good styling is through accessories. Staying fashionable and trendy, both contribute to the type of accessories that you often utilize to raise your own personal style quotient.  With that been said, here are some simple ways to accessorize yourself at the best and getting to know more about it on how accessories can boost your style easily!

10 Reasons Why you should start reading “Being AWSOMATIC!”

“Being AWSOMATIC” reaches its second milestone as it completes 50 Blogs!!! WOW ! I am so glad! Calling for a Golden Jubilee Celebrations! Yippee!! To all my dear readers, followers, subscribers, or even the general audience, it’s time to spice things up here as I share with you why should people read my blogs? Apart from its fascinating name, you all must be wondering what sets this blog page apart from the rest. So here I am on the occasion of its Golden Jubilee celebration that why “Being AWSOMATIC” is after all so unique why you must start reading them right away? With not just one reason, here I will state 10 different reasons why it’s so AWSOMATIC? Let’s dive right into them!

Daily Life essentials amid the pandemic

We all are going through some tough times, not just as a city, but as an entire world itself. How Life's events shape us?  With a lot of precautions and guidelines been issued by the authorities and various government organizations about our daily safety and well-being, some important aspects regarding the must-haves during such a crisis have been overlooked.  As a responsible citizen of this country and a sincere blogger, I take this chance to impart some knowledge and spread the awareness of having these daily life essentials/products amid the pandemic, Covid-19. Additionally, I have also included s ome links to purchase these essentials that are given below.

Exploring the Architecture of Chennai

Exploring my city’s architecture, Chennai has been a long-term adventure, as residing here for all these years of my life & now as an Architect ( Portfolio ), the way of perceiving it has changed a lot more and transformed into something more beautiful. Chennai city is one of the famous cities of India and is the capital city of Tamil Nadu, which has been the home of the Tamil language for more than 2,000 years. If not for its present merits, the city is worth paying a visit just to be in the presence of a culture and a language that predates even the Roman Empire. Architecture here is known for its highly ornamented temples, shrines, and churches. With diversification in styles, typologies, and touristic attraction – the architectural aura set it apart like no other city. Deep diving into the actual architectural essence of the place, let’s explore some of its most fantastic architecture & its features.

The Power of a Good outfit

Something as simple as an outfit can convey a lot about an individual. We all should find the urge to be presentable at all times, especially at work and at important events. Many ignore the importance of this power and neglect its forthcomings. But always know and “Never underestimate the power of a good outfit on a bad day.” Outfits and their significance isn’t always gendered specific, it can apply to all, and no matter which profession or field you belong to, make sure what your outfits speak for! Personally, in my profession of being an Architect ( Portfolio ) - attending many architecture vivas as a former architecture student and now, explaining designs to juries or clients, definitely requires me to be at my best. Wearing suitable outfits and with confidence on my sleeves, I always make sure my outfit speaks for itself. Whether it’s a client meeting, site inspection, a guest lecture, or in recent times to attend a zoom call or webinar, I make sure I am presentable and main

Upcoming Furniture & Décor Trends for 2021

Most of us, currently spending our maximum time indoors, which is giving us a lot of time to reorganize our spaces, redecorate our rooms, and renovate parts of our home to make it feel more comfortable and relaxing. Furniture & Interiors make up the true essence of our homes that gives us joy. A  fellow architect friend's personal recommendation and contribution to informing my readers about many interesting upcoming trends & here it is! With regular trends getting outdated, and new trending décor making their way, let’s have a look at some of the 5 exciting upcoming furniture & interior design trends for 2021.

The truth about Consistency!

“Success isn’t always about greatness. It’s about consistency. Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come.”- Dwayne Johnson. The wrestler turned actor and other motivational influencers seem to have perfectly defined the key to success – Its consistency!  The sooner you get this, the better! Everything that we put our mind and heart to follow for a long time, requires the art of sustaining it through with strong consistency throughout. Many give up too soon or don’t really understand the importance of consistency. Here let me share with you the hard truth about consistency and what it’s all about.

My Skills that turned into a side Hustle!

I decided to become an Architect ( My Portfolio ) during my higher secondary schooling, where I self-discovered my potential in creativity, wonder for buildings & spaces, a strong work ethics attitude, and computer knowledge. These skills lead me to take this decision of opting for the Architecture course. Over the years,  apart from some architectural skills I also developed a couple of skills along the way that would help me sustain and explore other fields related to my interests. Some turned out to become actual decent side career options, some could generate income, some developing out of interest and passion for the skill, and so on. Here are some of my skills that I acquired which have turned into a side hustle apart from being an architect; that have added on as valuable assets and become part of my life.  To “E.X.C.E.L” a creative life!