Daily Life essentials amid the pandemic

We all are going through some tough times, not just as a city, but as an entire world itself. How Life's events shape us? With a lot of precautions and guidelines been issued by the authorities and various government organizations about our daily safety and well-being, some important aspects regarding the must-haves during such a crisis have been overlooked. 

As a responsible citizen of this country and a sincere blogger, I take this chance to impart some knowledge and spread the awareness of having these daily life essentials/products amid the pandemic, Covid-19. Additionally, I have also included some links to purchase these essentials that are given below.

1. Protective gear

Making it an absolute necessity is the protective gears every household member should have, the gears being face masks, sanitizers, and gloves. Step out of your homes only when it's needed and when you do so, make it a point to utilize all your protective gears! Fight Covid-19!

Wearing double masks have been proven much efficient in current times, washing hands regularly, sanitizing your belongings, homes, and workplace are all on the top priorities when it comes to daily life measures taken for being secure during this pandemic.

2. Medical Emergency Kit

With restricted timings and curfews, the chance to go out of our homes for any reason, or even an emergency either isn’t that convenient anymore. Hence to keep a stock of a medical emergency kit at home is always suggested to all individuals, no matter what the age group is.

Be equipped with a basic first aid kit, band-aids, ointments, medications for common discomforts like headaches, stomach aches or body pain, etc. In addition to this also consider having a pulse oximeter and thermometers. Ask your doctor if taking supplements is fine for you, especially Vitamin-C!

To keep track of your body temperature, Digital thermometers are the most accurate way. To know your pulse rate and also the amount of oxygen level in your blood, use pulse oximeters. In case of any emergencies contact healthcare services on phone calls, or immediately consult a health care professional nearby.

3. Health & Personal care items

Apart from having day-to-day essentials like soaps, face wash, shampoo, and oral hygiene products, having paper towels, laundry detergents, hand wash soaps, cleansing pads, cotton swabs/ pads, sanitary napkins, are also advised to keep handy. If you have a newborn at home it’s always better to keep sufficient baby food/diapers etc. and if you have an age-old member at home, stock up all their requirements too.

We often become lazy to take good care of our personal hygiene, especially now when we are only at home. But that makes it more important for us to do so, even though we are spending our majority of the time indoors, it’s necessary to keep it in mind to stay clean, neat, and hygiene at all times.

Items related to body, skin, and hair are truly important for proper maintenance of the right hygiene. So kindly take proper measures to maintain your health and & take personal care seriously.

4. Top needs & groceries

Home delivery and no-contact delivery have become common for almost every possible item of our general groceries lists, the compulsory ones being food, water and clothes. Don’t forget your stove/gas cylinders!  Placing an order or purchasing these basic items should always be considered the next priority after being equipped with all your above-mentioned protective gear & medical aids.

Stocking up on, rice, fresh fruits & vegetables, cooking oil, spices, and some proteins is always a great way to reduce your trips to shops or cut down the online ordering process. Keep track of the things you are running out of, what you might need/ buy and what is sufficient.

5. Assorted goods.

Certain goods can be just bought and kept once & for all, like drawing cash from your nearest ATM, buying comforting items like books or movies DVD’s, battery cells, and now with work from home becoming a must, electronic devices like your phone chargers, power banks, laptop accessories are all part of your assorted goods too.

I take this opportunity to also give a big shout-out to all our Frontline workers! During the hardships of an ongoing pandemic, we salute all our front-line workers for their continuous sacrifices made for our health & safety.

If you are low on supply for any of these gears, order from no-contact delivery outlets/ companies or step out in the prescribed timings allotted for your region and purchase them accordingly. Make a groceries check-list to avoid last-moment purchases, given the current situation- everything is not always at our disposal so don’t take it to a point where you run out of major household goods later causing panic and discomfort. How to turn Obstacles into Opportunities?

Hope this was useful for you, share this with everyone – everyone needs this now more than ever! 

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