The 6R’s of having better Habits!

Maintaining better habits is something all of us seek to acquire in our life. An easier way to sustain life and its obstacles are through cultivating better habits. The better your habits are, the more you take control of your life & stay in charge of its goodness. Identifying a habit that you want to maintain for the better, is any day encouraged for better days to come. Here are the surprisingly 6R’s of having simpler habits that you could make a part of your life.

1. Routines

“You are what you do repeatedly every day. If excellence is something you’re striving for, then it’s not an accident. It’s a habit.”- Greg Plitt. Being aware of your routines and what you consistently do every single day, describes you! All these routines, like our daily meals, weekly-routines, Self-care routine, etc. have a major impact on our lives. Take your routines seriously. You know why because

2. Record

Recording your upcoming schedules, events or your tasks is a habit one should always cultivate in all walks of life. Developing good time-management techniques and planning is vital for self-improvement. 

To know what lies ahead and what you have overcome, are the stepping stones to success. Making a commitment towards this change of recording on your various activities will truly make you more organized and self-aware of your daily-where aborts.

3. Responsible

By responsible, I mean being responsible with everything! Responsible for yourself, your health, your actions, your belongings, your relationships, your work, because it’s your life and you need to take charge & stay accountable to all of it. 

Staying responsible with money is often avoided as a topic, but being more cautious of where your money is spent, earned, or invested in is always a smart financial tip for living. Of course, saving money is a whole different thing, but yes, you need to be responsible about that too. As the saying goes,

4. Respectful

You definitely need to follow this important habit, of being respectful. Being Considerateness, while showing courtesy, kind regards, and being polite to all on earth. To humans, to your pets, animals, to the environment, everyone. Give respect to all! 

Have positives ways of thinking, talking, feeling, and behaving. Create Open-Mindedness with a willingness to consider anything that’s new and different. Offer Supportiveness by helping others or caring for someone or something else. The world would be a better place with you being respectful about all of this.

5. Reward System

We all often look forward to been rewarded when we do something good & appreciable. But don’t just wait for those moments for someone else to reward you, develop your own reward system. Celebrate your small wins! When you get done anything on your agendas that satisfies you, allow yourself into a special treat like a nice dish, watch a movie or more me-time, etc.

Create your own method of encouraging yourself to do more, so that you will soon reward it with something better for getting something done. Consider this as a way of showing self-love.

6. Reinvent

To learn and grow every day, there is no better way than developing the habit of reinventing yourself each day. Doing something different is one thing and doing that thing differently, is a whole different thing. As the saying goes “Winners don't do different things, they do things differently.” 

Explore the possibilities of your limits and seek no boundary to do so. There is no fun in doing something the same way over & over again unless you have the right methods in doing so and find the pleasure in it. So go ahead & reinvent yourself!

Being AWSOMATIC! and keep building yourself with these 6 habits that will just bring out the best in you always. 

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