The “I.M.P.A.C.T” of Self-Improvement !


“The only constant in life is change”- Heraclitus. The need for that change in our own lives is what is behind self-improvement. If anyone of you is like,

The importance of self-improvement has always been insisted upon for better confidence, developing your physical, mental strength, and Success. Sometimes it’s been avoided, but ignorance of facts in lives makes it hard for your personal growth. The truth is – you cannot run away from yourself. Seek the importance of self-improvement by knowing it’s “I.M.P.A.C.T”

1. Identify

If your someone who is short-tempered or lacks patience, or if there is any characteristic within you, which you think needs to change for your own good, the first step is to identify it! i.e. initiating your self-improvement is to identify the area in which you want to improve. Don’t be ashamed of them, just look at them as areas of improvement & nothing else!

Whether it’s an area of professional or personal improvement – like a skill, hobby, routine, speaking a language or even getting better at maintaining your relationships. If you’re not sure where to start, just identify the zone in which you need to focus to put on your thoughts on the right track.

2. Method

Once identified your area of improvement, you need a process or method to work that out. You need a system. A system or method is essential to follow for improving or getting better at anything. As James Clear in his famous book “Atomic Habits” says “You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.” Do everything you can to get your method right & say 

Look for methods to improve on it, become self-aware of what goes into the process. A method that can seem hard might be the actual path towards your self-improvement. Choosing to work on improving yourself requires you to step out of your comfort zone.

3. Perform

Knowing your area of improvement & to have figured out a system is pointless until you set yourself to perform those systems. Your actions need to do the talking here! The whole point is to implement your methods & execute them rightfully. Even with Small-starts towards a goal in your path of self-improvement, to start is all that matters. Cuz, in the end, be satisfied enough to say

4. Achieve

Understand what this could do for you, in better scenarios what you could achieve out of this. It’s because it helps you stay focused on your life goals, makes you feel alive, and keeps you motivated. These methods towards your self-improvement should turn out with beneficial outcomes for you. So,

A lot can be achievable when you decide how much it could actually mean to you. When you know what you want to achieve out of a situation and set your goals accordingly, you are able to make better, informed decisions. As a monk, Shunryu Suzuki once said “Everything is perfect, but there is a lot of room for improvement”  

5. Change

We are improving for a better & positive change, but not realizing if that change is actually having a powerful impact on us is hard. Realizing some factors of your change could bring a good level of mental clarity. The more clear & aware you are of the change, the better the progress for your self-improvement will be. As they say it in Lion King,

Yes It's not easy but, you begin to start becoming more productive by removing the clutter from your life, and embracing those useful changes which are bringing goodness into your life will be one of the best things you can do for yourself.

6. Teach

In the end it all comes down to, what this change teaches you for your self-improvement. The life-lesson which you have acquired by attaining this development in yourself in any area of improvement is true bliss. Instead of getting discouraged or ignorant and escaping from the problems or methods of your self-improvement, make it a point to learn from the mistakes to grow and succeed. “Adversity In Life Teaches You.” – Tony Gonzalez. Life has something to tell you always, it's

Being AWSOMATIC! The I.M.P.A.C.T of self-improvement is to Identify, have a Method, to Perform, Achieve, Change, Teach. Deciding to walk the path of self-improvement and personal development gives your life purpose and meaning.  We all need to do something better each day because

Self-improvement and personal growth allow you to develop the skills and discipline to make all of that possible. Sometimes making successful changes in your practice requires making changes in yourself as well.

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