The Power of a Good outfit

Something as simple as an outfit can convey a lot about an individual. We all should find the urge to be presentable at all times, especially at work and at important events. Many ignore the importance of this power and neglect its forthcomings. But always know and “Never underestimate the power of a good outfit on a bad day.” Outfits and their significance isn’t always gendered specific, it can apply to all, and no matter which profession or field you belong to, make sure what your outfits speak for!

Personally, in my profession of being an Architect (Portfolio) - attending many architecture vivas as a former architecture student and now, explaining designs to juries or clients, definitely requires me to be at my best. Wearing suitable outfits and with confidence on my sleeves, I always make sure my outfit speaks for itself. Whether it’s a client meeting, site inspection, a guest lecture, or in recent times to attend a zoom call or webinar, I make sure I am presentable and maintain a certain dress code always.

Let’s have a look at the significances of the power of a good outfit and why you should understand its necessity and endure its power!

1. You are what you wear!

Adhering to certain dress code is one thing and wearing it with full sincerity is another! For instance, if you wear a neatly ironed shirt to attend a meeting – means you prefer to look presentable and value your presence in the meeting, where else if you wear a creased shirt, automatically conveys you don’t adhere to managing time and don’t consider it necessary to look presentable. You are what you wear!

Want to look bold & confident, first, wear a good outfit, accessorize with a classic bag of your choice, or even a watch. “Once you look good, you will feel good!” Take the opportunity of using your outfit to describe you as the best version of yourself. 

Let it not end up conveying something which you aren’t! Some even feel better, depending on the type of outfit they wear so why lose the chance of feeling good?

2. Ideal First Impression

Addressing a bunch of new people at an event, or meeting a promising new client, or even attending a job interview – a good outfit can bring everything about you right in the open with that one glance, as your first impression. You obviously wish for it to turn out in your favor and looking appealing with a good outfit is the way to do it!

Ideal first impressions are easier than it sounds, all you got to do is dress up right for the occasion and maintain that conduct with finesse. Then, you are set to impress people and receive compliments on your dressing sense and choice of outfit. As they say, “the first impression is the best impression”

3. Shows clues about your Character.

Good outfits convey a lot more than just your personality or who you are; it shows clues about what you actually are. It lets people get a good sneak-peak of your status & wealth, reveals class, styling options, and your fashion sense too. Not that all these things are necessary always but it sure does convey about you through the choice of your outfit.

People try out various styling, methods to look good, but one such thing that stays ever-green is a good outfit to do so. It doesn’t mean you need to “Dress to impress!” you can choose to do this just for your own sake. For your own needs, and for your own desires of looking your best. Who doesn’t want to look good, so just make it a point to take these aspects of a good outfit seriously as it could just convey your characteristics!

4. Personality-driven Wardrobe!

Try resonating your personality with your wardrobe. Don’t let the choice of your clothing mix with your personality - which then means of showcasing something entirely, contrast. You know what looks, suits, and fits best so only purchase those set of outfits to build your image with your own personality. Have & wear clothes that resonate with you! Only you!

You don’t need to follow someone else’s styling or buy expensive brands to do so, you can make it a point to stick to your taste of outfits and let it speak for your own style and individuality. A bunch of good outfits that stand out could just make your personality come right out into the open & clear!

5. Fit, Color & Style!

One of the highlighted and important sectors of a good outfit are to get the outfit fitting, color, and style right! You don’t want to look miss-fit in an outfit or a color that doesn’t suit your personality or a style you don’t resonate with, chose your options wisely! Again, depending on the situation, event, or occasion all these factors get mold accordingly.

With endless trends, a wide range of modern color palette changing season to season that keeps coming in & out-of-fashion – your choices might seem endless. But the whole point here is to deeply connect your idea of what would look like a good outfit on you. Tailoring your clothes right, choosing your desired color, and styling as per your personality will ultimately give you the result you want. A good outfit!

Bonus Points: Formals = Leaders!

It’s been proven in many studies worldwide, when individuals wear formals, they instantly feel like leaders, giving them utmost confidence and assuring them to make right-minded decisions. A business attire feel or formal clothing provides a sense of structured clothing. A formal style of dress signals structures to a leader's surroundings, in particular to their subordinates. Depending on your role in the workplace, if it's a leader who you want to be & feel – formals are the way to go!

I am no style guru or fashionista, but through my little so knowledge on this topic with personal ideas and experiences - the numerous powers of what a good outfit could do in one’s life is completely astonishing. From gaining limitless confidence, feeling good, or achieving success, becoming popular or famous, something as simple as a good outfit can sum up into something much greater someday. You need to do it to believe it! Hope you all take important lessons from this and implement them accordingly since life isn’t perfect but your outfit can be!

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