10 Reasons Why you should start reading “Being AWSOMATIC!”

“Being AWSOMATIC” reaches its second milestone as it completes 50 Blogs!!! WOW! I am so glad! Calling for a Golden Jubilee Celebrations! Yippee!! To all my dear readers, followers, subscribers, or even the general audience, it’s time to spice things up here as I share with you why should people read my blogs? Apart from its fascinating name, you all must be wondering what sets this blog page apart from the rest.

So here I am on the occasion of its Golden Jubilee celebration that why “Being AWSOMATIC” is after all so unique why you must start reading them right away? With not just one reason, here I will state 10 different reasons why it’s so AWSOMATIC? Let’s dive right into them!

1. Triad of Impressive niches.

Bringing you a combination of 3 specific niches and topics related to it, is Being AWSOMATIC’s first win! With an impressive triad of Lifestyle, Motivation and Architecture the idea to have a variety of things to share that turnout helpful is indeed quite unique as to what a Blog page can constantly provide. Well, don't you think that's,

With over 18 Lifestyle blogs, 17 Motivational Blogs, and 15 Architecture related blogs, the idea of mixing things up and providing different subject matters to talk on has been quite a good positive approach rather than only sticking to one type of niche. 

2. Fun-Filled Reading time.

Most of my blogs always include exciting GIFS, attractive images, and references from movies, series, or famous personalities, making the reading experience more enjoyable. In a short time of presenting a blog, the need for humor, enthusiasm, and raising anticipation while reading is always on top priority for me as blogger, so that readers like you find it pleasing to read my blogs.

You could have chosen to spend your time in any way but if reading my blogs is what you have chosen, I am sure one of the major reasons will be for the incorporation of fun elements like the GIFS & images. It just becomes more of a relaxed me-time! & who doesn't want a relaxed me-time?

3. In-depth Tips & Tricks.

By not only providing information on a certain topic, the appreciable act of adding some tips & tricks done for those things is what you can find on “Being AWSOMATIC!” With an in-depth approach to seek different ways of getting things done, the numerous tips always turn out praise-worthy in my comment section.

All of us want to know tips and tricks to do stuff in all parts of our lives, & that’s what “Being AWSOMATIC” delivers! Feel free to drop a comment down below on why you think it’s unique too.

4. Easy approach to Life-Mantras.

Elaborating ways to make life easier is always on my list of agenda as a blogger! Making it simpler for my readers to take in my suggestions or methods is what my approach has always been. 

Whether it’s through relatable powerful quotes, famous dialogs, or even with the use of my fun GIF images, the whole point is to make it lighter and adaptable as much as possible. Life mantras are easy to read, but the task to make it even easier can sure happen with my blogs! As 

5. Sharing personal experiences.

Most of my knowledge and research on topics that I intend to provide you guys are majorly from my core interests, experiences, and deep thoughts. Whenever I chose a topic to be published that is more relatable to me, I feel the need to also share my personal experiences and lessons learned from it.

I will be doing no justice, if I tell my readers to do something when I myself wouldn’t have even tried nor done it. Only when I feel I am worthy enough to share subject matters like that – do I advise and motivate other people to do so. To provide utmost clarity on topics by adding a personal touch whenever needed is something essential to me as a sincere blogger. That's my true victory!

6. Insights into real-life stories.

Imparting the right kind of life lessons and systems is what I prefer doing on my blog page! Whether it’s presenting instances from great leaders, achievers, successful people, or anyone else, it’s always better to bring about stories of people who taken similar situations and turned about the game. While reading a famous person's insights, it feels like, 

Real-life instances are a sheer way to know things better and become aware of them too. I find the duty to make sure, no reader leaves the blog page, without learning something new or either feeling different about certain things. So that a reader leaves,

7. Catching titles & headings.

With easy life mantras to follow, a fascinating blog name, and interesting niches – the twists that add on to the reading experience is the usage of catchy headings & blog titles! Many of my blog titles hold questionable acronyms, thought-provoking life ideas and even some include a simple but effective choice of words! For example: Make the “M.O.S.T” of every day” or What’s the “E.P.I.C”talk? or To “E.X.C.E.L” a creative life! Now read those titles and tell me,

Making it more wonderful to read along and being able to easily recall the things read in the blog later, catchy headings to the job! With a straightforward motive to let the readers grasp the points faster, the use of catchy headings makes it effortless and uncomplicated for readers to understand the actual topic that’s been discussed. 

8. Consistent knowledge delivered!

By maintaining a consistent blog posting schedule every week, I am able to deliver constantly a  variety of topics within my niches always! Publishing consistently to provide knowledge to my readers has become a thriving hustle! & believe me, 

A mix-match approach & jumbling of niches, a variety of content gets produced every single week! So that reading my blogs becomes part of your routine & get a weekly dose of such AWSOMATIC content! Anticipating many viewers/readers to have something to look forward to as a surprising element to what niche the next blog could be about.

9. Providing a list of related topics too!

Recently I have also started to add on three related topics at the end of each blog. So you all can get to read more such AWSOMATIC content. A progressive approach to understand topics better is this way of sharing the related topics for better reach. Providing,

10. Post current hot topics & trends.

You know how they say, “what’s not in is out!” To keep up with hot topics that trend around is truly challenging and with informative examples/links attached for certain topics, the process to learn more becomes intriguing. Apart from my triad of niches, I continue to put light upon some of the “in the news” topics and also discuss study-related, career, productivity, and time management content.

Being a person who usually multi-tasks most of my life, the urge to make the blogs funs and find good useful topics to be published to you all is one thing I truly adore doing. Making it an "All in one formula!" Providing enough AWSOMATIC content along with diversity in approach among my niches is also a great way to,

Being AWSOMATIC & Start now! Join the journey of ready my blogs! Better late than never! From now on the format of my blogs will have a new and different look to it. For a faster user experience while causing a stronger impact as I will be revamping my blogs for a whole lot better feel. Hope you all stick around for it. So stay tuned and support me for much such AWSOMATIC content.

Top 5 Popular Must-read Blogs Under each Niche!


  1. Are you beating "Procrastination" like a Pro? 
  2. The “S.U.P.E.R” Environment to Succeed!
  3. 4 Powerful Ways to Stay Motivated
  4. Pillars & Techniques of Success
  5. How to Turn Obstacles into Opportunities?


Once again, I take this opportunity to thank all my followers, subscribers, and viewers for all their comments on my blogs. I am grateful for all your support & the amazing response to my Blog page. Another update to all that, in light of its second milestone, it’s time for a change in format too! 

Here's to many more to come! Cheers!

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