How Architecture benefits our society?

Most of us are aware of how diverse Architecture, as a field & profession is. Architecture, as a discipline benefits our society in many ways while enhancing our quality of life. There are certain sections of our lively-hood & society, where Architecture caters to major benefits through its multidisciplinary approach in improving our well-being, resulting in citizens living in harmony. Here are some of Architecture’s major contributions that benefit our society.

1. Healthy cities & Infrastructure

Urban/ City planning & infrastructure has been attainable through urban planners & Architects. Designing livable cities with all the basic necessities like road, water, electricity, waste, etc. has been made possible through our field and althe government bodies that take-up the decision for the need of such facilities. The value of our services is much beyond just designing a building in a city, we also contribute towards master planning & building healthier cities, communities with better societies for a prosperous livelihood.

In my Postgraduate degree (M.Arch) I took up one such topic for my Thesis, of proposing a “Self-sufficient City” amongst the urban growth boundary of a metropolitan city to boost the economy, industrial & agricultural background of the place.

Are you doing yours?

We need to realize that living in healthier cities could become a desirable reality only through the steps taken in maintaining the city we live in and by taking care of it or contributing towards the betterment of the city. 

2. Celebrating Social Interactions

The pandemic has shown us the importance of social interaction & how much we miss it these days. Creating spaces for people is only justifiable once you have spaces that are designed to celebrate their social interactions. There are many different kinds of spaces as designers we offer to people that can be good places for interaction. Some of the most common: Squares and plazas, Public buildings and their surroundings, Pedestrian streets and boulevards, etc. 

Providing a forum for the exchange of ideas where people of diverse origins, backgrounds, and points of view can all be in one place, is something great, isn’t it?! These are some of the amazing things Architecture provides to our society while celebrating its interaction!

Much more than designing buildings or whole communities, architects have a greater task. Enhancing community participation through the above-mentioned spaces would accomplish the aim to uniquely position our work to improve life on numerous levels for professional clients, cities, and private individuals. As Architects, that’s the social responsibility we should uphold at all times.

3. Improving the built Environment

Improving built environment also includes the ways in which communities have approached environmental issues that have arisen as a result of such altering of the environment for human activities amongst those of plants and animals.

The sciences of the built environment cover architecture, urbanism, building technology, etc. show us that the most significant contribution of architecture is aside from their ability to design any kinds of buildings, it is also their ability to think about things that are needed before constructing a building.

Architects are the one who plans what the building will be used for and whether we can incorporate eco-friendly materials for the building, avoiding any major damage to the environment. Opting for smarter ways of design, construction, management all cater to improving the same.

4. Reflection of culture & Heritage

A famous architect, Frank Gehry once quoted "Architecture should speak of its time and place, but yearn for timelessness.” With centuries of a vast history of culture & heritage behind us, we are still able to witness some of the greatest standing examples of those, through Architecture. Great structures like the Taj Mahal, Qutub Minar, and other Historical Monuments, buildings, or ruins, whose original value in terms of emotional, cultural, intangible, or historical has been increased over the years.

Through cultural heritage & its architecture, it conveys a language to all proving to provide an automatic sense of unity and belonging within a group and allowed us to understand previous generations and the history of where we come from. Resulting in better places to visits for people, boosting the region’s tourism & economy, etc.  In architecture, even culture & heritage is reflected through its work & creation, such is the greatness of our field and

5. Emphasizing Sustainability

Our contribution as architects is emphasized that the design of buildings plays an important role whether it’s in the building site, design elements, energy and resource constraints, or an environmentally responsive design process that could be highly beneficial to our society. The world’s long-term goal towards a sustainable lifestyle has been always emphasized for a safe & healthy environment & better future.

Anything that seeks to minimize the negative environmental impact of buildings by efficiency and moderation in the use of materials, energy, development space, and the ecosystem at large is highly appreciable. Through Architecture, the space for green & methods of giving back to the community is encouraged. Whether it’s just by growing your own food in your back-yard or by using Solar panels at your residence or recycling waste for manures & fertilizers etc. Remember, 

Being AWSOMATIC! In my one of my blog on The 5 Fun-Facts of a Superpower, I conveyed how Architecture could be considered a Superpower and here it proves that it's the Superpower that gives! No matter what your profession or background is, your participation matters! and

Consider yourself lucky & fortunate in life to do something that could contribute to the benefit of your society. Like making any contributions to nonprofit organizations, by reaping the benefits of a sense of purpose and fulfillment, or by even just planting a tree! Giving back to the community anything would give you some meaning in life to cherish too.

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