Top -Tips to Treasure !

To know certain tips about anything could help us a lot. Especially if it's regarding our profession and work, it could boost our work-flow or turn out very useful. So all you creators, designers, and especially architects out there, you would really be benefited from these tips as they are from some of the best in this field of Architecture & Design, so definitely use them. Here are 5 expert tips from the top people in this industry which you could treasure forever!

Top -Tip 1

As creators, one thing that should always be addressed is reasoning. The need to question oneself while designing anything is very crucial. For instance, Why should a wall come up here? Why should the window be that large, or as simple as why should space feel this way? Question, Question everything! Just ask yourself, 

By questioning you're truly discovering the aspect to your design & by understanding the whole meaning behind the right reasoning will give you a valuable & meaningful design. The tip for Designing here is to question oneself, that’s all! 

Top -Tip 2

No matter what the scale of your project might be or the budget behind it. The famous artist, Da Vinci means to keep it simple! It brings utmost clarity to the design & sophistication. Whether it’s by using just a single hue in your project or basic materials for construction etc. 

Simplicity rules everywhere. Excess is never a sign of sophistication. A Japanese proverb says “Excessive courtesy is a discourtesy.” In short, the tip is in just by being yourself, cuz then you produce the desired simplicity.

Top -Tip 3

Mistakes can be hard to rectify, especially when you’re an Architect. Once a design step is taken wrongly, it can’t be that easily put-off by easy measures or hidden away to the human eye. So these steps should be taken as right as possible while designing & execution. Architect Wright is so right here! He meant, for instance, if there is an unfortunate design flaw, on the building – the advice to the client could be to hide that by vines! Like,

Covering up the flaws is the last thing you want to do in your design. The tip for dealing with the client is to remember as Architects you can’t bury your mistakes! And don’t give it a chance to even take to that stage of making a mistake so that, hiding becomes an option.

Top -Tip 4

Architects spend hours producing concepts, schemes, and drawings for projects. But how much time is enough to create decent work? The answer is it’s never enough! The longer the hours you spend on your design & architecture, the better your design gets! 

More brainstorming sessions & thought-provoking discussions, more sketches, attention to details, etc. That’s what is going to lead you to good architecture. It's by the time you spend on it!

Top -Tip 5

We learn quite enough by the end of our 5-year course in Architecture to be called as a professional Architect & so as being a professional we expect to get paid for the services provided. But when we come across clients hiring us who tend to say things like “I cannot believe you are charging so much for just a few drawings!” or is that the 3D view/render that took you so long to do? 

So here is the deal folks, if we Architects do a job in 30 minutes, it’s because we spent many years of our education learning how to do that in 30 minutes. Clients should understand that they owe us for the skill we learned in those years, not the minutes it took to get the job done. So rightfully as Ghery meant & conveys that it’s important to pay architects for the services they provide you with & to all designers out there, 

Being AWSOMATIC! and use these expert tips from the best in the industry of Architecture & Design which can be treasured for a lifetime. For more insights into Architecture related Blogs do read Golden quotes from Golden ones! & The 5 Fun-Facts of a Superpower!

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