How to stay organized?

As we are approaching the Silver jubilee mark of 25 blogs, let’s take a look at some inter-related topics on being systematic through this aim of staying organized. Really organized people are not born organized; they have to cultivate healthy habits, which then help them to stay organized. And what guides them through are these excellent points to excel in the art of organizing.  

1. Plan! Plan! Plan!

Why do most of us end up failing at certain tasks? Majorly it’s due to a shortfall in planning. We often neglect this important step before we actually get into the real thing. By planning I mean, first is to plan then to understand it, and then go for the right planning methods to do anything further for its execution. The only way you could bring out something great and not a mediocre product is by proper planning.  Being organized with time is one such tool that helps you plan better, so

2. Beat Procrastination

Are you beating "Procrastination" like a Pro? The blog explains in detail, everything about procrastination and the need to avoid it. It’s perhaps is the only way to boost productivity and to get things done. Once you start to follow a method to your organization, you know where it will lead you to. i.e great places! You start being more organized and conscious of the decisions you’re making. Work efficiently and say,

3. Follow Better Habits

Better habits are as essential as being organized with your things. In fact, have better habits only make you more organized with life. Like The 6R’s of having better Habits! or keeping your habitat clean, disposing of the stuff you don't need, etc. to get you started with working on something new, Put everything away the moment you finish with it and Journaling would really help you a lot.  

4. Make the “M.O.S.T” of everyday

This sub-topic has been altogether a separate elaborated Blog. Talking in-depth about on how you could make "M.O.S.T" of every day by intending to Move, Organize & Reflect, take Small-starts & Self-Limitation, show Tolerance & Care. These might not be directly associated with organizing methods but indirectly reflect on it as a whole.

It's easy to keep pushing away tasks easily, but that just makes it harder for you to stay organized in the future. For the benefit of getting away with something simple, don’t intend to waste that day.

Bonus Point:

Devote your time to organize. Find any time of your day, to take a 10-15 minute "organization break" from whatever you're doing to go around your house or office to make sure everything is in order. To see if your desk is cluttered, or Clothes are kept back in the cupboard, or your basic chores. Do anything you need to organize in that break, you would immediately see wonders. If it helps, play some music, TV or the radio while doing so and enjoy it like,

Being AWSOMATIC! and even if you think you are a very disorganized person, you can learn to be organized. From planning things, jotting things down, to ditching the unnecessary and organizing things that matter, you will become an organized person as long as you’re willing to learn and practice. So use the above tips and tricks to stay organized.

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