Are you beating "Procrastination" like a Pro?


We as humans, often tend to procrastinate a lot. The modern world takes “Procrastination” as the act of delaying or postponing a task or set of tasks. The huge disadvantage of not being able to perform smoothly in our daily activities is by not beating procrastination. Every moment not rightfully utilized could be lost forever and then 

As an Architect, the intensity of working through deadlines and beating procrastination has always been the tool for successful submissions or in the completion of my work. Let me share with you the 5W’s to beat procrastination like a pro! 

1. “Why” do you do this?

First, think of why you need to do get that particular task completed? The importance of the work will soon make you realize you have to get it done! That realization will help you get a clear picture of the time you need to spend wisely but to do it you also need to set your priorities straight! Arrange the level of your priorities as per the need to finish it accordingly to know,

Once you know why you even started this could help you move forward and help you get the other tasks done too! Double Advantage!

2. “What” happens if you don’t?

Foresee the consequences of what would happen if you don’t get the work done?! Knowing that if it could cause any sort of chaos or confusion, avoid procrastinating! You must finish what you started! Don’t put yourself in a tough situation where in spite of knowing what could happen, you dint end up doing the work and later suffer the consequences due to lack of 

You need to have the right frame-of-mind which motivates you constantly knowing what lies ahead if you don’t! Scientific studies show that the Myth of working better under Pressure is not true. Putting things off until the very last moment creates stress, guilt, and ineffectiveness. 

3. “Worth” of your work!

You do a certain task, because of the value it possesses. Your work is of value! Great value! Performing any task should bring more value to your own growth towards self improvement. Understanding the worth of your work is what will eventually push you to get the 

Don’t you want to do something which would add a worth or value to up-lift your lifestyle & help you go about smoothly with day-to-day activities? The answer lies in not procrastinating. Don’t set goals that will never work. Set measurable & achievable goals that will keep you aware of the worth you possess!

4. “Word” of Mouth!

Adhering to deadlines at the workplace seem to pressurize to most people, why? Mostly it’s because we gave assurance & our word for it and so we must stick on-to it! It’s the word of mouth that matters, once you give your word to get anything done, for instance: a senior at work asked you to mail a file at a given time or going to the doctor’s appointment on- time, etc., you do all this because you gave a commitment towards it and said,

Here’s the tip, so when you feel you need to get anything done, tell a friend or family member, to stay accountable for the work you need to do & also that it's in progress. In that way, they will be constant reminders to not procrastinate at any cost!  

5. “Work” done!

The joy of ticking a task on your “To-Do-List” is indeed bliss, isn’t it? You feel accomplished, you feel complete. That’s exactly why you need to get your work done! For the satisfaction of your own well-being & for the same reason that first, you must be accountable to yourself, before anyone else! If you put your mind to it & tell yourself you need to do it – That’s enough to get started in order to get the work done and get true

Being AWSOMATIC! and don't allow yourself to give many reasons and get away with the things, you want to do by not letting your Present Self hold back your Future Self to accomplish greater heights. Meeting deadlines & beating procrastination seems to be a small part of daily routine but these small parts could turn into something big later on! This old saying gives the essence, “Don’t put off till tomorrow what you can do today”.

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