Pillars & Techniques of Success.

Success comes to those who respect and earn it rightfully. In order to attain success, you must first, learn to adapt to the characteristics that it holds. Personally, through the years of my academics in college and in the profession of Architecture - Dedication, Discipline, and Determination are my 3 pillars of success. Here are some of the basic techniques for success - by maintaining excellent determination, dedication, and discipline in your life.

1. Set Reasonable & clear goals

Setting goals at first can seem like a dreadful task, but your first achievement towards your goal is just by setting the right one first. Only set those goals that you know are achievable. Don’t be hard on yourself and don't keep non-reasonable goals. On the other hand, also challenge yourself to do more too!

Make the goal's importance clear and appreciate the method you need to follow. Create steps for following them with the right intentions on how to get it done and when? Keep it all clear! Once you have this clear, then you can start to shape yourself towards the actual path of success.

2. Stick with the plan

A plan once made should be stuck with you by all means. In every step you take in order to accomplish it, every day, every priority – take it with full honor and devotion to complete it.  Remind yourself what would happen if you don’t stick to the plan and what consequences could stand in the way of your success later. And so you don’t want to be the only one standing in your own way - so know that every decision and every step counts so just 

3. Devotion & Commit

Consistency towards work and concentration develops over a period of time. Nothing happens overnight and neither does success. It requires a great amount of discipline in the routine, system, and last but not the least immense hard work. Do what works for you! but 

Constant awareness of the usage of your time and executing enough tasks as per requirement - allows you to focus and gain concentration. With the right productivity skills & passion towards your goal, you can set your commitment to any level and maintain the discipline needed at all times easily. Only then

4. Avoid Temptations & Overthinking

The need to trick your brain and to restrict itself towards unwanted distractions is an not art that everyone is born with but one can develop easily through these simple techniques. When you overcome self-pity or feelings of the mind telling you are tired or not in your comfort zone, or stressed out - that moment think why you began! If you dint give up till now, then why now?

A disciplined mind that is trained to such an extent, it leaves no room for second thoughts about you, your capabilities, fears, or any of that overthinking. Feel comfortable saying “No!” 

and avoid any sort of temptations that comes your way. There is no particular success formula for anyone, what works for you cannot serve the other. Hence discover your systems and go by them effectively.

5. Process matters

Regularly evaluate your work and realize where it’s heading you to. Happiness is seeing your growth will help you perform even better. Understand everything that you wish to achieve, comes with a price! A price of sincere dedication towards everything you do regarding it. Majorly the process!

The mindset to do something specific each day and to repeatedly do it while building your faith is a great asset to the process. You can see yourself growing as you start devoting your time actually to things you really want out of life.

Being AWSOMATIC! These 3 pillars kept me going at all times and rose me to greater heights. Those heights and laurels, which I never knew I was ever fortunate to be blessed with. Being a successful University rank holder in both, Undergraduate(B.Arch) and Postgraduate (M.Arch) degrees – I have truly understood the importance of these techniques and the wonders it has done for me. And I am confident it could work wonders for anyone too. Determination, dedication, discipline, hard-work, mental-strength, etc might seem hard and tricky to gain, but the result is abundant & fruitful. 

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