10 Trends in Architecture For 2021

Into the third month of the year, we can now clearly envision the upcoming preferences and trends for 2021 in the field of architecture & engineering. From small-scaled solutions of home, community, neighborhoods to large-scale strategies - here are 10 path-breaking trends making their way into this year’s list and are here to stay! These have also been uplifted over the years and now look forward to even larger acceptance from the industry. In no specific order of preference and rating, have a look at these 10 trends. 

1. Recurring emphasis on Open spaces

From the small scale courtyards or wide-lit balcony to large urban scale set-ups like parks, natural landscapes that are important for revitalizing communities, and increasing quality of life. Especially due to current scenarios of an on-going pandemic, many policies are now focusing on reducing the financial burdens of healthcare and providing community benefits. Reducing negative effects of urban development, such as surface runoff and the urban heat island effect is one of many advantages of having open spaces.  

By open spaces, the importance of outdoor spaces is also put light upon too. The aim to overflow the space with natural light & energy is highly being emphasized upon. A trend like this is always given top-priority as open space captures precipitation, reduces stormwater management costs, and protecting underground water sources.

2. Moving towards the “Smart-way”

Even buildings and cities are moving towards the smart way! If we consider ourselves smart, we wish everything to work in smart ways around us too - Smart homes, smart transport, smart technology makes altogether a smart city!

Smart technology with highly intelligent devices connected like energy-efficient LED light bulbs to our  phones, Wi-Fi that provides comfortable control of lighting and household appliances for a high-tech set of homeowners. Such measures are now becoming especially valuable for environmentally conscious people and is surely setting up as a trend.

3. Minimalism is here to take over!

Keeping it minimal is one of the hardest things a designer tends to produce and in recent times the art to produce such an outcome stands-out becoming an upcoming trend. Light neutral shades of whites, beige or simple facades, and designs with strict, predominantly cubic shapes – everything is going towards the minimal way for many out there.

The authenticity of design and exposure to material in its raw sense is widely increasing as a style factor among clients and their approach in design delivery too. Verandas, wide green spaces around the land, and classy landscape all contribute to a sophisticated trend that is taking over at a faster pace worldwide.

4. Digital Innovation for Public interaction

Public interaction isn’t the same anymore. The pandemic has called in for many guidelines and regulations that have been applied to state wise & building authorities. But wiser options have made their way through for the public. Options of virtual tours for places- before actually visiting the place or incase not been able to be there – this innovation of interactions and surreal experience is path-breaking

Shopping malls, museums, public spaces, etc. all are on the verge of incorporating such virtual engagement as part of their facilities to offer to the general public. This innovation makes it quite easier for all as connivance is something we all seek to attain. Trust and safety are getting build among the public and their way of using such spaces has been developing and widely encouraged.

5. Eco- trends & Sustainability

Talking of smart homes – the trend of green ratings from IGBC, LEED, GRIHA, etc, are on the rise. In the near future, many leading authorities, environmentalists, builders will start making it mandatory in certain zones for the new upcoming developments of 2021, allowing architects to contribute towards sustainability in their unique way. 

Sustainability has been always looked upon as a bigger task to achieve, but it can always start more easily through simple measures and environmentally friendly technologies. Unplug your electronics. Many appliances consume energy even when you're not using them. Opt for public transport. Say no to plastics. Grow your vegetables and food at home or backyard. You see, it’s not that tough to lead a sustainable living after all!

6. Growing Bicycle & Pedestrian Infrastructure

Encouraging this practice of smart transport has been beneficial for public health and safety. Healthier morning runs, evening walks, bicycle tracks, and pedestrian paths all contribute toward a developing society. Hence resulting in increased potential for recreation and good quality of life for residents. Reimagine our roads as

Infrastructure for the same has been initiated in many upcoming multi-used developments, townships, and other larger spaces in and around the city center. Walking paths and bicycle tracks already exist but fail to reach the main aim towards self-sufficient living and making cities carbon-neutral. Such infrastructure that supports non-motorized travel is sure a trend we can see growing in the near future.

7. The “Bigger picture” to urban planning

Cities themselves are seeking different ways for a comfortable living through concepts of self-sufficiency. Work, play, and home as integrated spaces with easy accessibility to other facilities and safety is now the market demand for upcoming neighborhoods.

Neighborhood planning or expansion of the urban growth boundary or small towns transforming to major hubs for the economy have become the latest proposals for better urban planning strategies. There lies the bigger picture – the way in which we shape our cities!                                                         

8. Home office & Variety in Office set-ups

Current scenarios of Work from home have called in for many alternatives to work-life and productivity at home. In my earlier blog on “Must-Haves for an Efficient Home Office” exactly speaks on how easily we can customize our spaces for work and what are the essentials required for it.

Collaborative working spaces and sharing office shapes are here, all thanks to COVID-19. The concepts of typical cubical have been put-away and replaced with constructive ideas for spaces that provide good social interactions among colleagues while maintaining but the physical distancing and provisions needed to ensure they are safer.

Design considerations and challenges for architects being in furniture proximity, circulation pattern, and mainly safety. Such trends in planning for office spaces require flexibility in design, spacious movement for individuals, more use of outdoor spaces for interaction and leisure.

9. DIY & Personalization of Home Décor

Apart from the typical interior fit-outs and furniture from retailers, we always find the need to add a personal touch to our homes. In recent times it’s become a trademark and a new identity that each place holds - to have its uniqueness and element of “own-ness.”  

The internet is flooded with tons of DIY videos for personalizing your homes in many different ways and making various items. Whether it’s a self-made piece of furniture, hand-stitched sofa covers, or a beautiful handcrafted vase or even a piece of art for décor or just a cozy portion where we love to chill and hang-out, personalizing it in your own way is what is new & trendy!

10. New age materials

Upcoming smart materials like bamboo, Cross-laminated timber (CLT), recycled materials, fiber gypsum boards or natural fibers, Autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) and Precast blocks, slabs, etc., are some of the trendy materials in architecture and engineering. Structures that incorporate smart materials are called “Smart Structures”. Some are lightweight, some control cracking and reduce the permeability of concrete and thus reduce bleeding of water. Some types of fibers produce greater impact, abrasion, and shatter resistance in concrete.

Being AWSOMATIC! Architecture & its trends have always been known for staying in the news and their up-to-date knowledge is equally considered important. For both, as clients and as professionals in the field of design, urban planning, and engineering it is necessary to stay aware of what’s in the market and considered the latest trends and their approaches. Hence hoping you could get an idea about which trends are brewing for 2021!

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