10 Commandments of Architecture

Over the period of time, many famous architects have stated their own golden commandments of Architecture. After completing my Masters of Architecture (M.Arch) I gained more clarity on the many sub-sets to this amazing practice & profession. And so covering all the most important factors under this multidisciplinary field, here I present after careful consideration my version for “10 Commandments of Architecture”

1. Principles & Elements

What can you possibly design without getting the basics right in Architecture? Being a creative endeavor, there are 5 important principles to take into consideration which are: balance, rhythm and repetition, emphasis, proportion and scale, and last but not least, harmony.

You will need to adopt also the 4 basic elements of architecture and design: Point, Line, Plane and Volume. With these four elements, you actually can create anything in architecture or design.

2. Provide purpose & meaning

Design differs from art, in that it has to have a purpose. Every architectural design project must propose a meaning - a reason why the building is planned, or its purpose. While every design has a purpose, for it to be either an informative center, public place, or private used spaces, any “purposeful design” blends form and function to offer to mean to a building's users. The design calls out for a meaning which it conveys to the people providing a purpose to understand its importance.

3. Innovation & Inspiration

Innovation in this field could turn out spectacular and at the same time controversial. Innovation is a wide concept that includes improvements in processes, products, or services. Where else, Inspiration can come from anywhere. You see some amazing design and wish someday you could produce similar outcomes, make sure you’re not copying, but getting inspired! You need to have the right perspective mind for it.

As discussed in my earlier blog of “Golden quotes from Golden ones!” where one of the most important points was Norman foster’s quote on inspiration. Any architect should try his/her best to develop both these tools and sharpen them from time-to-time.

4. Follow Functionality & Be aesthetic

Architecture is after all far more than just art and engineering, it's special only because it can be functional and aesthetic at the same time. Understanding the design’s proper operation, process or performance and how it works is always the golden rule. Majorly its technicality, construction methods, or framing the right design approaches but also making sure at the end, your design turns out looking good. Only then, you know you have done justice to your design.

5. Offer Optimum designs

Offering climate-based context and economic designs are always one tough point to check off on the list of criteria while designing anything. There are various types of Clients, out of which most expect reasonable & affordable design from Architects. No client prefers fancy or extravagant prices that go right through the roof and don’t seem justifiable to its output. 

Unless, the requirement stands-out for a grand scale of design, those are obviously exceptional cases. A design is of no good if it can’t offer at optimum rates and stays within budget most of the time.

6. Collaborate to Improve

Consulting with your team of structural designers, civil engineers, craftsmen, or even laborers generates greater outputs & better communications throughout your design process. Involving in discussion with them, taking opinions, consulting, and learning their approaches will only make you a better Architect. The skills and techniques that you acquire out of this collaboration will improve you, project-by-project.

7. Be open to Criticism & Learning

Architects themselves are their own biggest critiques but otherwise, we still need to be open to criticism. Whether it’s from our employees, consultants, or even our clients. It gives room for exploring more about the topic, making us understand a certain set of similar points but from very different perspectives. When you decide to close your ears to criticism, you can never know what someone else thinks of your work or getting to know their point of view or know on what basis they hold their appreciation on you.


8. Enjoy the process!

Designing is no over-night activity and definitely not a piece of cake! Architecture involves many stages, majorly being Pre-construction, construction & post-construction. Every stage requires an equal amount of involvement & hard work. Feel obliged to go through every stage and do it with utmost joy. You need to be happy about the progress your project is making, and at the same time enjoy the work towards its successful completion.

9. Have Faith & Virtue!

We as Architects have a certain role to play in the project and you must provide the needful services to make the design successful. Right from start till the end of your design, have faith in yourself and your project. You must know that it will work! Seek virtue at all times and believe in yourself towards making this work just the way you envisioned it. Obviously, faith is only stronger when you have a strong plan and method of execution that has been thought right.

10. Treat it Right!

Treat you’re work, design & everything involved with it with complete respect at all times. You’re project’s value, your clients, vendors, consultants, fellow-architects, etc. all need to be treated right. Unsatisfying either one of them could turn not so pleasing for you in the longer run. As connections and collaborations matter a lot in this field. Make sure you are doing everything right & treat it right too.

Being AWSOMATIC! The 10 commandments here are "Rules for architecture & making it get better".  As the ancient Holy commandments were directly associated with the will of God. These commandments talk about the various stages or fields in Architecture in which the hacks, rules, and forbidden things are stated. Hoping my version of these commandments stands strong & clear to all.

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