Fear of Failure

Fear for each one of us can come in many forms like rejection, shame, failure, or even flunk in an exam. But why does that fear develop and why does it bother us? The problem here is not the actual situation but that accompanying emotion of unworthiness that it provokes. The before & after-effects of it! The negativities of it! But greatness doesn’t come from comfort zones. Isn’t it? 

With the fear, risks, belief, and confidence are everything that makes us rise & thrive. Here let’s have a look at the characteristics of fear & the emotion failure holds & how you could easily get over it!

1. Discover the Root Cause

The fear within oneself is actually perceived as the negative consequences that follow the failure which stresses us out. It’s not the situation that we can’t overcome; it’s the baggage of thoughts of not being able to be to proceed when thinking of those scary outcomes.

The cause of fear of failure is actually the fear of resulting in shame or embarrassment. To avoid & get to the root cause of it, you could write down and make a list of things that seems challenging of those that contribute to the larger concerns of your fear. You could attempt to repair it by discovering your root cause & overcome it with self-confidence so that you could give yourself a big;

2. Steps to Overcome it

In earlier stages of this emotion once discovered the root cause then start to look for steps to overcome it. Fear can then lead to lowered self-esteem, avoiding challenging tasks, being pessimistic, and even affect a person’s loyalty. Question your doubts about it, face the fear, and start learning from your mistakes. 

Believe in yourself, chant daily affirmations, boost your inner body and mind through healthy surroundings and people that would help you conquer your fear boldly. Self-Acceptance can overcome the fear of failure! 

3. Ways to Stop/Reduce fear

Being constructive about your thoughts and actions would help you move to pass this phase and face the real deal quite easily. It always can’t be possible to control or stop this emotion coming your way, but you can take control of everything that falls under your control, i.e. acceptance! Address it & accept it!

Your fear can be reduced considerably to a larger extent by first telling yourself to accept you’re this feeling of fear. Understand your fear better than anyone else or take help and find support along your way. 

Don’t feel shy and scared asking for help. This would only help you, so talk to your circle of people and convey your problems. And then who knows that one of your peers might actually boost your morale, take away that fear or give a hack to overcome the situation sensibly.

4. The brighter side!

The thought of failing at something is a huge fear to many, but don’t let that threat get to you to such an extent that it would cause something bigger. Realize at times it’s ok to fail! Mistakes teach you something always. 

"Failure is the stepping stone to success." So don't lose heart, if you fail. Observe the mistakes that led to the failure and try to overcome them in his next attempt. Repeated efforts lead to sheer success.

Exposing you to new possibilities, restricts you to old things, being aware of what new ways are & so on. As John Steinbeck, East of Eden said “And now that you don’t have to be perfect, you can be good.” So it's better to,                       

According to Healthline - if you experience “atychiphobia”, you have an irrational and persistent fear of failing. Fear of failure may be part of another mood disorder, anxiety disorder, or eating disorder. You may also deal with atychiphobia at times throughout your life if you're a perfectionist. Don’t let it get any further and take the better parts of you that stop you from doing the things that can move you forward to achieve your goals. Hence find your fear & overcome it!

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