
Showing posts from March, 2021

The “D.O.S.E” of Happiness

Who wants to be happy? Everyone! Its, obvious! As happiness comes in small and big things - but the need to find a happy place within yourself first is a must and only then in anything else or in external factors. What matters here, is the internal functioning. So how does that happen? How do you get happy? The answer lies in the Brain Chemicals, or commonly known as the “Happy” chemicals. 4 chemicals that contribute to and affect our happiness at all times. Here are simple ways to increase your feel-good hormones with the “D.O.S.E” - D opamine, O xytocin, S erotonin, and E ndorphins.

5 Steps to set GOALS

Admiration comes when you get to see people who live by the “keep going” spirit and those who stay ambitious. Achieving your goals and setting measures to do so is never easy as it seems. With discipline and the golden steps in maintaining the aim is where a goal is truly acquired. There is a method for everything, in terms of setting or achieving your goal. Setting your goal right first itself means half the battle is won. Let’s see the 5 steps involved in setting a goal.

10 Anticipated Architecture projects of 2021

2021 has a lot in store for us, architecture-wise. National & International Architecture projects that are and will be making the headlines as they stand amongst the most awaited structures of  2021 . These striking one-of-a-kind buildings are all set to be completed by this year and some already inaugurated recently as they start their operation soon. Embracing greatness in the field of architecture & design here’s presenting 10 anticipated projects of 2021 along with 5 of their most AWSOMATIC facts.

Effective ways of Communication

“The speaker today wasn’t good enough” or  “No! That’s not what I meant”. Do these lines sound familiar? It happens when communication doesn’t get through and points of view don’t get delivered as they were intended to. Good communication skills are the key to better personalities and leaders.   An age-old saying goes, “It’s not what you say, but how you say it.” With that said been said, here are some effective ways of communication.

10 Trends in Architecture For 2021

Into the third month of the year, we can now clearly envision the upcoming preferences and trends for 2021 in the field of architecture & engineering. From small-scaled solutions of home, community, neighborhoods to large-scale strategies - here are 10 path-breaking trends making their way into this year’s list and are here to stay! These have also been uplifted over the years and now look forward to even larger acceptance from the industry. In no specific order of preference and rating, have a look at these 10 trends. 

Conquer the Challenge of Change !

In my blog on The “I.M.P.A.C.T” of Self-Improvement! – it gives a sneak peek into the concept behind the key to self-improvement being changed. But not always are these changes self-made or enter our lives  spontaneously, some changes come in suddenly and out of nowhere . Some you may like, some you don’t quite prefer but yet need to adapt them for the good. But in all ways, the challenge of conquering any change that comes in your life the right way has been through these thought-provoking points mentioned below. Are you ready to conquer the challenge of your changes? Here we go!

Pillars & Techniques of Success.

Success comes to those who respect and earn it rightfully. In order to attain  success, you must first,  learn to adapt  to the characteristics that it holds.  Personally, through the years of my academics in college and in the profession of Architecture - Dedication, Discipline, and Determination are my 3 pillars of success. Here are  some of the basic techniques for success  - by maintaining excellent determination, dedication, and discipline in your life.

Vital Tools for Architects

An architect is nothing without his tools & toughness. A lot goes into the process while working on a project by an Architect. For instance, in completing a project, an architect can use three main types of tools on a daily basis: drawing tools, measuring tools, and computer software .  With the advent of technology that keeps on evolving lately, it is undeniable that architects can now use technology as a tool. If you’re curious as to what those tools might be, here are three categories of the most used tools among architects!

Daily Affirmations – Why & How?

Lines like, “Why can't I do this?” or “Why is nothing ever enough?” etc., often pass our minds, but then you might construct an affirmation with the lines such as  “I am enough” or “I have wonderful people around me & a loving family” or “ I know I’m making a difference. ” this is where you bring the positive change into your life. Let’s take a look at why are such daily affirmations so important for success and how can we use them daily with great benefits & promising outcomes.