
Showing posts from January, 2021

3 Inspiring Fictional Characters

We all have favorite movie characters that we relate to or look up to or consider our superheroes . The character’s like Superman, Iron man, Wonder Woman, and other great movie characters have gained popularity & recognition. But there are some fictional characters that have brought even greater impact to the audience, not just for the entertainment factor but by also conveying certain morals for us to learn from with each film. Here are 3 Disney-inspiring Fictional characters , which in my experience gave mindful life-lessons to all. 

5 Record-Breaking Structures!

  As an Architect , visiting spectacular structures all over the world, like the building in this Blog’s banner – The Petronas Twin Towers in Malaysia and other great structures that achieved extravagant recognition have always bought great inspiration & amazed me. Structures which are the tallest, largest, longest, etc have managed to make their mark with their splendid architecture .  Here are 5 amazing record-breaking structures that’ll make you say “That’s AWSOMATIC!” So here are some of their quick facts & milestones achieved. 

To “E.X.C.E.L” a creative life !

  We always wish to live with a bit of excitement & thrill in our lives. Even if it’s by doing something adventurous or trying out something new or simply just going to a new place to visit, with that we stay   So basically we all like being creative with our life or with the work we do & when we do something we need to do it with passion. So if it's creative, filled with passion and you like it, in life - what could you possibly want? Knowing that let’s see how can we actually "E.X.C.E.L" at being creative with our lives.

A Motto for Life’s each situation

In life, there comes a time when we require a bit of enlightenment amongst the various scenarios we face day-to-day. Whether the words of wisdom come from your family, or a dear friend, or through an inspirational quote, or from yourself! Remembering those words & believing in a motto or mantra that you live by is the best thing you could do for self-affirmation .  Create your own personal motto, with these 4 common situations in life. Know which are the mottos that you can live by.

Boost your Productivity daily !

Daily activities in life could determine our daily growth. And with every activity, we expect a contribution towards that growth , that helps us be productive daily. Whether it’s a contribution towards your goal in doing certain work for your professional or personal well-being. Most of you tend to start with a notion to stay productive every day but end up saying, Let’s find a solution & look into simple ways that help you boost your productivity & stay focused on activities that could help you contribute to your daily growth.

A Vision to Design your Life !

You are living, fine that's great! but are you clear or aware of the life you have designed for yourself? The craft of being alive is by designing your life. Life is what you make of it. Over a period of time, the essence of designing lives have been guided on many platforms, for instance, Forbes gives 5 Steps To Help You Design Your Life  Or a book by Bill Burnett and Dave on  “DesigningYour Life”   But where does it all start & end with?  Having a VISION is key. Even if your Vision impacted you long ago, or recently, or even if your vision says, To have the vision to design your life is all you need and if don’t have one yet, what are such blogs meant for? Let’s see how can you use  3M's  or 3 powerful tools  that help you design your life for the better, through your Vision.

Golden quotes from Golden ones!

  The golden quotes from my industry, Architecture & Design are the thrust of this blog. So why is Architecture so special of a profession to all, apart from it being able to create something that would remain for a lifetime, it’s more than what it speaks for & we as Architects should feel the need to create that difference by our creation, isn't it?  “Architecture should make us feel different if not, engineering should be enough”  – Daniel Libeskind.  As covered in my earlier blog about this Superpower i.e. architecture, The 5 Fun-Facts of a Superpower . Here let’s look at how we can create an impact with our work, through 5 inspiring golden quotes by famous Architects while getting enlightened on some of their works & the notion to have created a difference. 1. First Golden Quote Being clear as a client on how you plan to use your spaces is one thing, but telling the architect how to design those spaces is a whole different thing. An architect can not only add

Make the "M.O.S.T" of every day !

  “Did I make today count?” Making every day count is an answer you need to give yourself by the end of your day! But how do we bring the best & most of each day easily? It’s by setting up certain aspects of a meaningful routine, which can be beneficial for our long-term goals & gives us strong affirmations in life for a brighter future, so just wake up saying, Doing a few things, which have a purpose and stand out as a productive measure for both our personal or professional wellbeing , will definitely make every day a better day. Even though if it’s just following a healthy diet, hobby, skill, or as simple as staying in touch with your loved ones.  A routine helps us build a more beautiful life as a whole & gives us a strong reason for something to look forward to each day.  So  make the "M.O.S.T" of every day by these simple ways:

The 5 Fun-Facts of a Superpower!

  Architecture , The superpower that I am referring to all of you here is my beloved profession. Architecture is involved in almost all aspects of our life, far more than just art & engineering, it’s reshaping our environment by its functionality & aesthetics. When something like this is involved in all aspects of life, isn't that a superpower in itself? If you likely know someone who is an architect in your family, a friend, or even me!  and for whatever you know about us, one thing is certain, we are not just unique professionals, but might serve as a reminder of how lucky you are to be with somebody with the special talents & those have been seen & looked upon as,    Study Shows Architecture Students Work "the Hardest"  and the famous Romanian sculptor,   Constantin Brancusi  said Architects “Create like a god; command like a king; work like a slave.”  Most Architects notice every detail, the majority of them are night-owls, they always have an infin

What’s the “E.P.I.C” talk?

Personal relationships, social interactions, and work situations require you to talk ideas to other people. The habit of communicating these experiences, thoughts, ideas to people has always been encouraged by our society. But do you speak anywhere with the knowledge of your thoughts actually being put out there for all to know or have it within you?  Yes, it is preferred to “Let people hear you! ” It can not only boost your speaking skills, but also get a clear understanding of topics, or even just look at things from different perspectives. Get ready to explore the “E.P.I.C” talk & let’s know what’s actually behind it:

The 6D's of Self-Care!

  The 6D’s to Self-care! Life can get hectic.  Practicing self-care isn’t always easy.  Most of us are busy, whether it's home or at work, or are too consumed with technology to make time for ourselves. How do you show yourself love with enough care? The answer to it is SELF-CARE!  Self-care is self-love! “Me-time”  is usually last on the agenda. But make sure you slow down to take care of your mind, body & soul. So now when it’s clear why Self-care really matters, now let’s discover self-care with answers that can help you  stay healthy, happy, and resilient.   The key to it are these 6 Dimensions to self-care. 

The 5 Best of 2020 !


About Me !

  "DREAMS DON'T WORK,  UNLESS YOU DO!" 🤍Being AWSOMATIC!🤍 Hello Awsomatic people! I am Sumairah Kareem and welcome to my blog. I am starting out my blog in this prosperous new year of 2021 with a positive mindset, and setting out this new exciting venture of creating blog content, while being an Architect by profession - PORTFOLIO .  After completing my M.Arch (Postgraduate degree in Architecture) amidst the chaos of an on-going pandemic, as a very creative person and being passionate about my profession, I always felt the need for having a creative outlet for all my thoughts and ideas - which is why I initially started my own website KINGS design and now this Blog Being AWSOMATIC ! I would enjoy discussing motivation, lifestyle, study & career related, productivity, Architecture and much more. Do check out my links below as you continue Being AWSOMATIC ! 🤍 Comment | Share | Follow 🤍 My WEBSITE  |  My LinkedIn  |  My Pinterest  |  My Portfolio   THANKS FOR