
Showing posts from February, 2021

Nature & Architecture

Celebrating the Silver Jubilee mark of 25 blogs, I present to you this highly informative & creative blog on "Nature & Architecture" . Putting light on the many ways architecture is connected to nature, its impact on the environment & the major points on what Architects  solely  hold responsibility  for at all times. So let's look at 5 amazing ways nature & architecture speak out a language common to all!

How to stay organized?

As we are approaching the Silver jubilee mark of 25 blogs, let’s take a look at some inter-related topics on being systematic through this aim of staying organized. Really organized people are not born organized; they have to cultivate healthy habits , which then help them to stay organized. And what guides them through are these excellent points to excel in the art of organizing .  

How to manage time?

We all seek to utilize time at our best . Of course, there are times where we feel like whiling away our precious times even in our busiest schedules, but the fact in doing so is not right! Managing time has always been a major concern to many since  “Time & Tide wait for none!” Simple hacks & skills to manage time are something we all lack on a daily basis. Here are some of the best tips/hacks to manage time.

10 Commandments of Architecture

Over the period of time, many famous architects have stated their own golden commandments of Architecture. After completing my Masters of Architecture (M.Arch) I gained more clarity on the many sub-sets to this amazing practice & profession. And so covering all the most important factors under this multidisciplinary field, here I present after careful consideration my version for “10 Commandments of Architecture”

The 6R’s of having better Habits!

Maintaining better habits is something all of us seek to acquire in our life. An easier way to sustain life and its obstacles are through cultivating better habits. The better your habits are, the more you take control of your life & stay in charge of its goodness. Identifying a habit that you want to maintain for the better, is any day encouraged for better days to come. Here are the surprisingly 6R’s of having simpler habits that you could make a part of your life.

How life’s events shape us?

Experiencing significant events in our life determines the various ways we get shaped. Many scholars believe our experiences do shape who we are and that memories of those experiences are equally as important. The experiences we are having today were likely shaped by the past events that we have been through. Let’s have a look at the 4 major experiences that eventually shape us in our life.

How Architecture benefits our society?

Most of us are aware of how diverse Architecture, as a field & profession is. Architecture, as a discipline benefits our society in many ways while enhancing our quality of life. There are certain sections of our lively-hood & society, where Architecture caters to major benefits through its multidisciplinary approach in improving our well-being, resulting in citizens living in harmony . Here are some of Architecture’s major contributions that benefit our society.

Must-Haves for an Efficient Home Office

Due to these recent uncertain times of an ongoing pandemic, many of us are made to work from home. Creating a space at home for your work, in general, itself is a valuable asset to your productive lifestyle . Once you have a space assigned at home, designated to work as a desk just like you have at your office where you can work, becomes easier to keep the work-mode on and sets the mood to do things. It shouldn't feel like, A “home office” , like an efficient desk set up is what you need at the moment! The below mentioned are the 5 Must-haves for an efficient home office. Efficiency is vital!

The “S.U.P.E.R” Environment to Succeed!

To achieve our goals and succeed in life, the environment we are in matters a lot. Apart from having a vision towards your goal and a method to follow it, there are some necessary factors that determine a healthy environment that would help you succeed. An environment in which you would perform better and succeed at anything you do. There is a way, in which you can attain this environment, it's “S.U.P.E.R”! Check out these factors for a “S.U.P.E.R” Environment to succeed.

Top -Tips to Treasure !

To know certain tips about anything could help us a lot. Especially if it's regarding our profession and work, it could boost our work-flow or turn out very useful. So all you creators, designers, and especially architects out there, you would really be benefited from these tips as they are from some of the best in this field of Architecture & Design , so definitely use them. Here are 5 expert tips from the top people in this industry which you could treasure forever!

Are you beating "Procrastination" like a Pro?

  We as humans, often tend to procrastinate a lot. The modern world takes “Procrastination” as the act of delaying or postponing a task or set of tasks. The huge disadvantage of not being able to perform smoothly in our daily activities is by not beating procrastination. Every moment not rightfully utilized  could be lost forever and then  As an Architect, the intensity of working through deadlines and beating procrastination has always been the tool for successful submissions or in the completion of my work. Let me share with you the 5W’s to beat procrastination like a pro! 

The “I.M.P.A.C.T” of Self-Improvement !

  “The only constant in life is change”- Heraclitus. The need for that change in our own lives is what is behind self-improvement. If anyone of you is like, The importance of self-improvement has always been insisted upon for better confidence, developing your physical, mental strength, and Success. Sometimes it’s been avoided, but ignorance of facts in lives makes it hard for your personal growth. The truth is – you cannot run away from yourself. Seek the importance of self-improvement by knowing it’s “I.M.P.A.C.T”